Cakalele Dance, Traditional Dance From North Maluku

Cakalele dance is one of the traditional dances of war dance originating from North Maluku Province. This dance is generally danced by male dancers, but there are also some female dancers as supporting dancers. Cakalele dance is one of the traditional dances from North Maluku which is quite famous and often displayed in various events of custom and entertainment. In addition, this dance is often displayed in various cultural events as well as tourism promotions be it regional, national, or international levels.

History of Cakalele Dance

According to some of the existing historical sources, this Cakalele Dance was originally derived from the tradition of the people of North Maluku. At that time this dance was performed as a war dance for the soldiers before heading to the battlefield or after the battlefield. In addition, this dance is often used as part of the tradition of traditional ceremonies there.

This cakalele dance then extends to the surrounding areas, because of the influence of the kingdom at that time. This dance is then known in other areas such as in Central Maluku and parts of Sulawesi, one of them is in North Sulawesi. In the Minahasa community, Cakalele is also known to be part of their war dance, namely Kabasaran Dance.

Function And Meaning Of Cakalele Dance

At this time, Cakalele Dance is no longer functioned as a war dance, but more often featured in events that are either show or traditional celebrations. For the people there, Cakalele Dance is interpreted as a form of appreciation and respect for the people of their ancestors or ancestors. In addition, Cakalele Dance describes the soul of Moluccan people are very brave and tough, it can be seen from the movement and also the expression of the dancers at the time of dancing this Cakalele Dance.

Cakalele Dance Performance

Cakalele dance is usually will be danced in groups and also performed by the male dancers and female dancers as a dancer supporters. In the show, male dancers danced using a machete (sword) and also salawaku (shield) as an attribute in the dance. While the female dancers will usually use a lenso (handkerchief) as an attribute in the dance. In addition, in this Cakalele Dance, usually, will be led by a dancer who plays as a Captain (a dance leader) and a spear who became an opponent in the game.

In the Cakalele Dance show the dancers will dance with their typical movements following the drums of the accompanying music. The movements of male dancers and female dancers in this dance are very different. The movements of male dancers will usually be more dominated by the agile movement while the hand plays my machete and salaw, and the movement of the legs will prance alternately. While the movements of the female dancers are dominated by hand movements are swung forward in turn and foot movements are quickly beat to follow the accompaniment of accompaniment music.

Companions In Cakalele Dance

In the show Cakalele Dance will usually be accompanied by the accompaniment of traditional musical instruments such as gongs, drums, and bia (shells are blown). The rhythm that is played in accompanying Cakalele Dance is usually a fast-paced rhythm, like the drums of war in ancient times, so that the rhythm can spark the spirit of the dancers and even not infrequently make the audience carried away. The movements of the dancers will usually be adapted to this accompanying music. Because the rhythm is played can sometimes be a code when the movement or formation of the dancers.

Cakalele Dance Costume

Costumes or clothes used in this Cakalele Dance show usually use a special costume. Male dancers will usually wear war clothes dominated by dark red and yellow, and also equipped with weapons such as my salaw, machetes, and spears. For capitan costume will usually use a head cover adorned with feathers from the chicken. As for female dancers will usually use a white custom clothing and also a long cloth on the bottom. And will hold the lenso or handkerchief as an attribute or dance property.

The Development of Cakalele Dance

In its development, Cakalele Dance is still continuously preserved and developed by the people there. Various creations and variations are often added in the show to be interesting, but do not eliminate the hallmark and authenticity of this dance. Cakalele dance is also still often displayed in various events such as welcoming guests, traditional celebrations, and other traditional events. In addition, this dance is often displayed in various cultural events such as art performances, cultural festivals and tourism promotion.