Rindik, Traditional Musical Instruments From Bali

Rindik is a traditional Balinese musical instrument. This instrument is made of bamboo pieces. Bamboo is used to make Rindik is usually the bamboo option, so it is not easy to break and will produce a good sound. This traditional musical instrument is played by being beaten by using the percussion instrument alternately so it will produce a melodious sound.

Function of the Musical Instrument Rindik

In Bali itself, Rindik musical instrument is a traditional musical instrument is quite famous. This instrument is usually displayed as one of the musical instruments accompaniment in a dance performances bumbung. In addition, Rindik is often featured in accompanying the wedding ceremony or reception. The strains of her distinctive voice are perfect for making the atmosphere even more romantic.

Form of Musical Instruments Rindik

Rindik musical instrument is a musical instrument made of bamboo that has been cut into pieces and arranged in accordance with its size. The number of pieces of bamboo usually consists of 11 (eleven) fruits to 13 (thirteen) pieces. Each bamboo fruit has a different size and tone. The larger the size of the bamboo, it will be more low-pitched, Conversely, if the bamboo is getting smaller, then the bamboo will be higher the resulting tone. The bamboo is arranged on a place (pelawah) starting from the lowest tone in the left corner until the highest tone at the right angle.

The tone generated by this Rindik musical instrument is a Pentatonic or Slendro tone, which means it has only 5 main tones. Rindik musical instrument is played by using 2 (two) pieces of batons made of rubber and also has different sizes. Large hammers are usually used in the left hand as well as vice versa. This is because the leftmost tone is lower so that when played there is a balance of tone.

How To Play Musical Instruments Rindik

The way to play Rindik also requires special skills and also a suitable feel. Rindik musical instrument is usually played with both hands, where the function of both is also different. On the right hand to play the kotekan, while on the left-hand plays melody. So that if combined will produce a very melodious sound.

Players of the musical instrument Rindik also distinguished into 2 (two) kinds, the first to play the principal of the song or gendhing, and the other to play sangsih. If both are combined then it will produce a very harmonious sound. In the game of this instrument, there is also a punch technique called ngundil, which is a punch technique done with the left-hand sangsih player where the punch will intersperse the blow from the left hand of the principal player who has been varied. In the dance performances, the technique is often called jegog.

Development of Musical Instruments Rindik

In its development, Rindik music instrument became one of the more traditional musical instruments that are more flexible and have more functions. Besides can be used as a dance accompaniment, Rindik music instruments can also be displayed as musical performances such as for wedding reception and reception. It can also be displayed at cultural festivals, welcoming large guests and at other cultural events.