Gamelan Bali, Traditional Musical Instruments From Bali

Balinese gamelan is a kind of traditional gamelan instruments originating from Bali. Balinese gamelan has some differences with other gamelan instruments, both in terms of shape and how to play it. This Balinese Gamelan instrument is usually displayed as a companion to an art performance in Bali, whether it is sacred or entertainment.

The Origin of Balinese Gamelan

According to historical sources, this Balinese gamelan has existed since ancient times. It can be seen from the inscription Bebetin in Bali Province, which mentions that the gamelan has existed since the year 896 AD, namely during the reign of King Ugrasena in Bali. But on the inscription is said at that time the Balinese Gamelan is slightly simpler than the present.

Starting from the VIII century at the time of the relationship between the kingdoms in Java and Bali, bringing some of the arts such as Javanese gamelan musical instruments into Bali although still a separate instrument. This makes the Gamelan Bali at first glance almost the same as the Java Gamelan. Yet even though this Balinese Gamelan instrument still has some characteristic that makes it different from Javanese Gamelan music instrument, one of them is how to play the instrument. When compared with the game of Javanese Gamelan instruments, this Balinese gamelan is played with a faster tempo.

Type of Balinese Gamelan

Balinese Gamelan musical instrument is grouped into 3 groups, including the old gamelan, gamelan madya and also a new gamelan. In the old gamelan groups, there are instruments such as gambang, saron, iron gong, gong luwang, selonding iron, selonding wood, angklung kelentang and also gender puppet. Then in the middle gamelan, there are instruments such as semarpagulingan, pelegongan, bebarongan, rekambling, jogged pingitan, babonangan, gong gangsa squat, and ringdik gandrung. While in the new gamelan there are instruments such as gong kebyar, warriors, angklung slats 7, pengajjaan, jogged bung-bung, and also distilled gong.

The function of Balinese Gamelan

This Balinese Gamelan instrument is very difficult to separate from Balinese life. Because when viewed from its function, this Balinese Gamelan is often used in accompanying religious ceremonies and also entertainment. In terms of religion, this Balinese Gamelan is often displayed in accompaniment of the passage of religious ceremonies or in accompaniment of traditional dances that are sacred. While in terms of entertainment, Balinese Gamelan is often displayed as a musical performance or accompaniment of various arts that are entertainment in the province of Bali.

The Development of Balinese Gamelan

This Balinese gamelan is one of the art tools that can not be separated from Balinese people. because if viewed from its function, in addition to being used as a comedy accompaniment of entertainment, this Balinese Gamelan is also a part of religious ceremonies there. So that the art of gamelan is still continuously preserved and also taught by generations by the people who are there.