Bajigur Drink From Sundanese Culture

Bajigur is a traditional drink typical of the Sundanese people from the area of West Java. The main ingredients are palm sugar and coconut milk. To add the pleasure also mixed a little ginger, then salt, and also vanilla powder. Drinks that should be served warm is usually sold along with Bandrek drinks, then boiled peanuts, boiled sweet potatoes, klepon, and so forth in a cart that sells. In the presentation, sometimes this drink is added with a little kolang-kaling or also commonly called the cangkaleng in Sundanese that has been sliced thin. Bajigur is most appropriate to be enjoyed during the rainy season or cold weather.

Along with the development of the era, Bajigur drinks are made in the form of an instant powder that lives brewed by using warm water, the goal is to be enjoyed practically and anytime anywhere without having to bother to make Bajigur traditionally. Beverage bajigur which has the main ingredient of ginger is good enough for health. Suitable also for consumption in cold weather. From various studies, disclosed that the essential oils that have been contained in ginger have the benefits of antikuman.

In addition, ginger efficacious for maintaining the health of the channel on digestion. Therefore, drinking ginger is done regularly can also help so as not easily exposed from digestive disorders such as examples of flatulence. Furthermore, researchers from India have also proved that Jehe already has the property to lower blood cholesterol levels in the body. Meanwhile, from the results of trials that have been done by researchers from Japan, disclosed that ginger can also be a pain relief, and lower blood pressure, and also can stimulate the heart work better.

For centuries, even ginger has been used as an anti-nausea drug. This is done also by the fishermen in Hong Kong who has always been chewing ginger that has been preserved as a nausea preventive medicine due to seasickness. In fact, there are also results from researchers who have proved that the efficacy of this ginger is a better nausea medicine than anti-nausea drugs that are commonly used. So, if you want to avoid nausea or motion sickness, try drinking warm ginger half an hour before the trip.

Besides the content of ginger, bajigur drinks also contain coconut milk. As a note also, coconut milk containing approximately 15% of fat. Therefore, it is advisable to consume coconut milk should not be excessive if done on a daily basis. This bajigur also contains Java sugar. The use of sugar in bajigur drinks is also good enough and not too sweet, so this does not reduce the effectiveness of bajigur dipinuman for this health purpose.