Beverage Wedang Angsle Typical East Java

Angsle or can be called wedang angsle is a typical drink from Java that resembles a compote. Traditional angsle sellers who go around the village just in the evening only, because a warm angsle suitable served at night or even when it rains. However, now many angsle sellers who sell not only at night only.

This food is estimated to come from the City in east Java, namely Malang, but in other areas in Java also sell it, such as in Surabaya and also Lumajang. The ingredients for the mixed angsle include petulo, then white sticky rice, then green, pieces of bread, then pearls, pandan leaves, ginger, and fried peanuts, coconut milk, sugar, sliced fruit, and also emping belinjo.

Angsle sauce was originally made using only pandan leaves, vanilla, and also coconut milk. Ginger is not included because it is thought to change the taste. but, being labeled with the name "wedang", some of the vendors eventually added ginger. Wedang angsle is one of the drink serving warm enough typical of the archipelago that many pengikmatnya because in addition, it can warm the stomach and also can give a strong enough stamina. Wedang angsle can also be encountered in various places one of them is in the hot beverage stall and in the existing restaurant menu of traditional dishes.