Tumatenden Dance, Traditional Dance From North Sulawesi

Tumatenden Dance is a traditional dance based on Minahasa folklore in North Sulawesi Province. In this dance tells a love story between a farmer and an angel. The story is then packaged in the form of a distinctive dance movement accompanied by traditional music and displayed without dialogue. This Tumatenden dance is a well-known traditional dance among Minahasan people and is also often featured on events such as traditional weddings, art performances, and cultural festival events.

The Origin of Tumatenden Dance

Tumatenden Dance is a dance that is lifted from a Minahasa folklore located in Airmadidi, North Minahasa. In this story tells of a man named Mamanua, the first person who lived there and is known to be very industrious and tenacious in processing his garden.

At one point, he later found a very beautiful and fertile place at the foot of Mount Temporok which is currently named Klabet. Mamanua also met with 9 (nine) nymphs of the sky who was bathing in the pool, even also took the results of his plantation. Seeing this situation Mamanua then arises the intention to steal one of the shawls used by the angels to fly. It turns out that the scarf taken by Mamanua belongs to the youngest of the angels named Lamalundung.

Then Mamanua went to Lamalundung and also persuaded her to marry. Lamalundung then agreed with a condition and then they get married. Over time they are then blessed with a child named Walansendow. However, when the agreement they agreed on had to end, and Lamalundung had to leave Mamanua and also the son of Walansendow. Then Mamanua built a nine shower pool near her garden in the hope that the angels could come back and bathe there. The pool of nine fountains is then named with Tumatenden.

Functions And Meaning Of Tumatenden Dance

According to its function, this dance is more often functioned as a show or entertainment for the community. The movement in this dance depicts a life in the story, so it can be interpreted that every movement in this Tumatenden Dance is a visualization of the story so that this dance feels more alive, easy to understand and can be enjoyed in the art form.

Performances of Tumatenden Dance

In Tumatenden Dance Performances will usually be played by 7 or 9 female dancers and 1 male dancer. Male dancers in this dance will play Mamanua in costumes like farmers. While female dancers will act as an angel by wearing clothes like an angel and wearing a shawl used in dancing.

In this Tamunenen Dance performance usually begins with male dancers entering the arena and will dance in a movement depicting the activities of a farmer, such as farming and fishing. Then the female dancer enters the arena and dances in front of the male dancer with a scarfing gesture that portrays the joy of the angels when they come down to earth.

After that, the female dancers put their shawls and then proceed with a movement depicting the angels who are bathing or playing water. Then the male dancer came to the scarf and then took one of the shawls from the angels. When finished with the shower movement, the female dancers retrieve their shawls one by one and re-wear them while dancing.

Female dancers who do not get their shawls dance with movements such as confusion. Then the male dancer comes with a scarf that has been stolen and approached the female dancer with a movement that is like teasing the woman. Then they dance together with a romantic movement like a couple of lovers. At the end of this dance, the other dancers will exit the arena and continued with a pair of dancers.

Dance Companion Tumatenden

Music accompaniment in the show Tumatenden Dance is usually a traditional musical instrument Minahasa community namely kolintang. But there are also some musical instruments such as guitars, angklung, and other musical instruments to make it sound more interesting. The music is usually adjusted to the movements of the dancers so it looks cohesive and also more alive.

Tumatenden Dance Costume

As explained earlier, dancers use costumes depicting the role in Tumatenden's story. In male dancers will usually use a costume like a farmer, like wearing a shirt and shorts, and using a farmer hat in general. While on female dancers will use a beautiful dress like an angel. In the upper garment will usually use the kemben, while at the bottom will use a typical length of cloth Minahasa.

In the hair, the part will usually be parsed sideways and using decorations such as crowns or flowers. In addition, female dancers will also be equipped with accessories such as necklaces and bracelets as a sweetener, as well as scarves used in dancing.

The development of Tumatenden Dance

Tumatenden dance is still preserved and developed in North Sulawesi Province, especially in the northern Minahasa community. This dance is still often displayed in various events such as traditional weddings, welcoming, performing arts and cultural festivals. Various creations and also variations are often added in every show to make it look interesting but still follow the original story.