Tea Eku Dance, Traditional Dance From NTT

Tea Eku Dance is a traditional dance originating from Nagekeo, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). This dance is played by some female dancers who dance by using a handkerchief or a small cloth as an attribute in the dance. This dance is one of the most well-known traditional dances in Nagekeo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), and is often performed at various events such as traditional ceremonies, important guest shouting, and cultural events.

The Origin of Tea Eku Dance

History of Tea Eku Dance is still not known with certainty. But from several sources that exist, it is said that this Tea Eku Dance comes from the area Boawae, Nagekeo, Flores, NTT Province. Tea Eku dance was often performed in the traditional party there. Tea Eku Dance Name itself is taken from Tea and Eku. Tea means shakes, this can be seen from the movements of the dancers' feet that shuffle music. While the word Eku means a wave of handkerchiefs, this can be seen from the attributes used, namely the handkerchief.

Tea Eku Dance Show

In the show, Tea Eku Dance is usually played by 4 to 6 female dancers. With accompaniment, the dancers will dance in a very graceful movement while playing their handkerchiefs. The dance performance begins with a short greeting called Bhea, followed by 5 (five) major dancers. Every turn of the motion, the dancers perform a movement called Ji, where the dancers will find the ideal position in the turn of motion. After the main movement is over, then it will end with a wave to the audience as a closing greeting.

Dance Teacher Tea Eku

In this show Tea Eku Dance will usually be accompanied by the strains of traditional musical instruments such as Gong Gendang. The music from Gong Gendang is usually adjusted to the movement in the dance, so it will produce a harmonious movement. Musical Gong Gendang is usually played specifically or often called Paka Tea Eko.

Tea Eku Dance Costume

In the show, the dancers look beautiful with a typical outfit from Tea Eku Dance. clothing is composed of a black or red shirt and songket typical of Nagekeo. For the hair, part is usually only on the roll and will be decorated with ribbon as a sweetener. And a handkerchief used as an attribute in the dance.

The Development of Tea Eku Dance

In its development, this dance is still preserved and developed by several groups of artists there. Various variations are also often added, so this dance looks more attractive in every appearance. In addition, the dance Tea Eku dance is not only displayed in traditional party ceremony, but also various events such as welcoming, art, and cultural events.