Woleka Dance, Traditional Dance From Southwest Sumba NTT

Woleka Dance is one of the traditional dances originating from Southwest Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT). This dance is a welcome or welcome dance. Woleka dance is usually danced by some male and female dancers with a very distinctive movement. Dance is a quite famous traditional dance in Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT). This dance is often displayed in various events such as important guests reception, cultural festivals and art performances.

The origin of Woleka Dance

Woleka Dance is a traditional dance that comes from Southwest Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT). The origin of Woleka Dance is still not known for certain, but according to some sources, it is said that the dance was originally shown to welcome and also accompany the important guests or a nobleman who came there.

Woleka Dance Performances

Woleka dance is generally played by male and female dancers. The number of dancers usually consists of 4 to 6 female dancers and 2 to 4 male dancers depending on the concept of each group that brought it. In the show, this dance begins with the formation of a male dancer in the front while the female dancers behind him. Then proceed with formations that vary according to the main dish of Woleka Dance.

For the movement of male and female dancers in this dance is usually different. The male dancers will usually dance with a very agile movement while playing the sword that it carries, the movement describes the nature of male men, swift, and also nimble. While the female dancers dance with a very graceful movement while playing a cloth scarf that wear it. The movements of these female dancers illustrate the nature of a beautiful, elegant and beautiful woman.

Companions of Woleka Dance

In the show, Woleka Dance is usually accompanied by the strains of traditional musical instruments. The instrument used is a set of gongs that are played in turns and regularly to produce a very distinctive and melodious sound. The rhythm of the music used is usually a fast-paced rhythm.

Woleka Dance Costume

The costumes used by dancers are usually customary clothing. In female dancers will usually use a long cloth typical of Sumba that covers the body. At the head will use a jeweled headband like ronce-ronce and tabela. While the female dancers will also be equipped with bracelets and necklaces as a sweetener and also a shawl tied at the waist that is used in dancing.

For male dancers will usually use shorts and cloth covering it. On the body using a typical weave of Sumba. While the head will usually use a headband that is often called kapauta. The male dancers are also equipped with a typical sword or sword from Sumba used in dancing.

The Development of Woleka Dance

In its development, Woleka Dance is still preserved until now. This dance is still often displayed for welcome dance or welcome for the important guests and group of tourists who are coming here. In addition, dance is also often displayed in various events such as weddings, art performances, and cultural festivals.