Sepen Dance, Traditional Dances From Bangka Belitung

Sepen Dance is a traditional dance originating from the islands of Bangka Belitung. This dance in it there are elements of martial arts movement. Sepen Dance is a traditional dance that is very thick for Malay culture, be it in terms of costume, accompaniment and some movements in it. Sepen dance is usually shown for welcome dance at the event welcoming the big guests who are coming there.

Movement of Sepen Dance

Sepen dance movement is more emphasis on agility in hand and foot movement. In every movement of this dance certainly, has its own meaning in it. This dance is dominated by applause movements which are then harmonized by the strains of the musical instrument. In addition, the formation of the dancers who move around but still look neat to produce a very beautiful movement.

Performance Dance Sepen

In the dance performances, Sepen usually will be played by some female dancers in pairs. But there are also featuring male dancers who are paired with female dancers. However, the motion shown remains the same, ie movements made in an agile and dynamic in accordance with the strains of accompaniment music. In each show, there is usually some variation of movement performed by the dancers. This is often done in reducing repetitive motion to make it look interesting and also not monotone, but not eliminate movement from the original.

Companion Dance Sepen

In this Sepen Dance, performance is usually accompanied by musical accompaniment and songs that are very thick to the strains of traditional Malay music. Musical instruments accompaniment Dance Sepen is usually like drums, tambourine, violin, accordion, and others. For the companion song usually, use a typical song from the community of Belitung Malay.

Sepen Dance Costume

The costumes used by the dancers at the Sepen Dance show are also synonymous with the distinctive outfits of Malay. Female dancers will usually wear clothing such as long-sleeved shirts, trousers and cloth covering at the waist. Also on the head, there are also using the veil, but some are not using. The costumes of these dancers are usually dominated by bright colors depicting a joy.

The Development of Sepen Dance

In its development, this dance became one of the traditional dances that are quite popular in the community of Bangka Belitung, especially in the area of Bangka Belitung islands where they came from. This dance is often displayed in various cultural festivals as well as welcoming guests and also the group of tourists who come there. In addition to being used as entertainment, this dance is also to introduce to the public about the wealth of art and culture in the area of Bangka Belitung Islands.