Singo Dance Ulung, Traditional Dance From Bondowoso East Java

Singo Ulung dance is a traditional art where the dancers will use lion-like costumes and dance like lions. This one art at first glance is almost similar to the art of lion dance, but the difference is the costumes used are simpler and also the theme is different. Singo Ulung dance is a very famous traditional art and a pride for the people of Bondowoso, East Java Province.

History of Singo Dance Ulung

According to historical sources, Singo Ulung Dance was created by Kiai Singo Wulu, a community leader and founder of Blimbing village, in Bondowoso area. This dance is inspired by the history of the founding of Blimbing village. According to a source of historical stories that developed in the community, originally Kiai Singo Wulu is a migrant and also preachers from other regions. On the way, Kiai Singo Wulu stops in a forest and take shelter under the star fruit tree. The arrival of Kiai Singo Wulu turned out to make the wrath of the forest ruler there named Jasiman, and there was a fight between the two.

In the fight, they both use rattan wood contained in the forest as a weapon. With his magic, Kiai Singo Wulu then transformed into a white tiger. Until finally Jasiman was unable to fight and then surrendered. In the conversation after the fight, Jasiman later realizes that they both turn out to be from the same college. After getting to know Kiai Singo Wulu further, then Jasiman was amazed by the greatness and also the simple nature. It then made Jasiman aware and finally converted to Islam. Because of his admiration that also makes Jasiman want to marry Kiai Singo Wulu with his sister.

Not only there, the three of them then decided to build a village in the forest area and named the village Blimbing, which became the starting place of their meeting. Together with the people there, they build prosperous and prosperous villages. For his services, then the people there raised Kiai Singo Wulu as the first village head in Blimbing village. In reminiscence of the early establishment of the village then made an art that depicts the beginning of the establishment of the village, and be this Singo Ulung Dance is still routinely performed every year to date in Bondowoso.

Singo Ulung Dance Show

In the show, Singo Ulung Dance is packed into a story that tells from the beginning of kiai Singo ulung and Jasiman meetings until the village was built. In the show, there were lion dancers, banners (one representing Jasiman), two people using rattan (depicting a fight between Jasiman and Kiai Singo Wulu), a female dancer (depicting Kiai Singo Wulu's wife) and kiai (depicting Kiai Singo Wulu). The dancers while dancing, they will also dialogue like a drama. Also in this Singo Ulung Dance show, there are also some attractions of the lion dancers that will make the show more interesting. In this Singo Ulung Dance show, there is also some simple gamelan music accompanist like kendang, trumpet and other instruments.

Singo Ultimate Dancing Costume

The costumes used by dancers Singo Ulung dance is different every role that was delivered. For the dancers, the singo use a costume like a lion made of white raffia rope. The rope is parsed so it will look like a feather. The lion's head is also similar in shape to the lion's head to Singo Barong, to Reog Ponorogo. For the banner costume or Jasiman will use the costume as well as the Mask Dance. Then for female dancers will use traditional clothing such as kebaya and also sampur as an attribute in the dance. And warok dancers by wore black clothes with red-white T-shirts typical of Madura and bring rattan or cemethi as an attribute in the dance.

The Development of Singo Ulung Dance

In its development, this dance became a tradition that was routinely displayed in the village of Blimbing every year in the month of Shaara for a clean village event. In addition, this dance is often performed in the anniversary commemoration of Bondowoso. Singo Ulung dance is still continuously preserved and learned by some art galleries that are there. In addition to being featured on major events, this dance is also often performed at other events such as guest reception and cultural festivals. This is done as an effort in preserving and introducing to the wider community of art Singo Ulung Dance.