Rudat Dance, Traditional Dance From NTB

Rudat dance is a traditional dance that is still often displayed on the island of Lombok, NTB Province. Performing Rudat Dance is very thick Islamic nuances either in terms of costumes, songs or show accompaniment. Rudat dance is usually displayed in various events such as Khitanan, Mawlid of the Prophet, Khatam Al-Quran, Isra Mi'raj memorial and also the commemoration of other Islamic holidays.

The origin of Rudat Dance

The history of the origin of the Rudat Dance is still unknown, but from some sources, it says that this dance originated in Turkey and has existed since the entry of Islam into Indonesia. This dance is used by the previous Ulama as a medium in the spread of Islam. Many say also that, this Rudat Dance is a development of Dhikr Saman and also Budrah. This Saman Dzikir is the art of dance with pencak silat movement and also accompanied by dhikr. While on Budrah is a song that is accompanied by the accompaniment of a set of music that is large tambourine.

Rudat Dance Function

As mentioned above, this dance was originally a medium for the spread of Islam in Indonesia, especially in Lombok Island. With the development, this dance is then used to enliven the event Khatam Al-Quran, circumcision, and various other big day memorial ceremonies.

Rudat Dance Performances

In the show, this dance is usually played by 13 dancers who dress up like soldiers. In this group of dancers is usually led by a commander. Rudat dance is generally displayed with movements more dominated by the movement of the feet and hands. This movement is almost similar to martial movement or movement of pencak silat. In addition to performing dance movements, the dancers also while singing songs that are rhythmic Malay with lyrics in Indonesian as well as Arabic. In the show, Rudat dance is also accompanied by some accompaniment of musical instruments such as rebana, jidur, dap, mandolin and also violin.

Rudat Dance Costume

In this dance Rudat show is usually the dancers will use costumes like the soldiers. The costumes of this dancer usually consist of long sleeves, songket Lombok, trousers, and carbus cap. There are also some attributes such as the rank of the soldier on the shoulders, the sling, and the belt. In the costume of the dancers' costume is usually made slightly different, this difference can be the skull, shirt color, and some are carrying swords.

The Development of Rudat Dance

As one of the heritage or tradition passed down by the ancestors, this art is still maintained and preserved on the island of Lombok, NTB Province. This is evidenced by the appearance of Rudat dance often in some events such as Khitanan, Mawlid of the Prophet, Khatam Al-Quran, memorial Isra Mi'raj and on the anniversary of other Islamic holidays.