Saronde Dance, Traditional Dances From Gorontalo

Saronde Dance is a traditional dance originating from Gorontalo Province. This dance is lifted from the traditions of the people of Gorontalo on the night of the engagement in the series of their customary marriage ceremony. This dance is generally performed by male dancers and female dancers who dance with a distinctive movement by using the cellar as an attribute in the dance. Saronde dance is one of the traditional dances that are well known by the people of Gorontalo. In addition to being part of the traditional wedding ceremony, Saronde Dance is also often featured in events such as welcoming, performing arts, and also cultural festivals.

History of Saronde Dance

Historically, Saronde Dance is a dance that is lifted from the tradition of a traditional marriage of Gorontalo people. In the customary tradition of the people of Gorontalo in the past, this dance has been used as a tool in Molihe Huali to visit or peek at a potential wife. Because in ancient times Gorontalo people still do not know the name of the current courtship, so that their relationship is still fully held to both parents or family.

This dance will usually be performed by the bridegroom with parents or guardians before the bride. While dancing, the groom can glance at the bride to find out what a candidate will be her life companion. While the bride who is in the room will show little herself for the groom to know bring him is being noticed. In the present time, the Saronde Dance procession is still retained in their customary marriage circle. Because it is part of the tradition that leaves its own meaning in it and cannot be abandoned.

Functions And Meaning Of Saronde Dance

As has been said before, Saronde Dance is a dance that is displayed in the procession of traditional marriage of Gorontalo Province. In addition to being used as part of the custom procession, this dance is now often used as dance performances. For the people there, of course, this Saronde Dance has a special meaning, one of them is as a means in Molihe Huali or look for a future wife. However, when viewed from the movement and presentation, this dance includes a social dance or an entertainment that describes the expression of happiness and joy.

Saronde Dance Performance

Saronde dance is usually shown by male dancers and female dancers in pairs. The number of dancers usually consists of 3 to 6 pairs of male and female dancers. In the show, the dancers dance with their lively moves and will play the shawl fabric that is used as an attribute in the dance.

For the movement is usually more dominated by the movement of swinging feet and hands forward in turn. Dancers also sometimes often play the shawl in a way circling. In addition to pairing, the formation of the dancers was often changing so as to describe the joy and happiness of the dancers.

Sarara Dance Companion

In Saronde Dance performances are usually accompanied by a musical instrument called tambourine and vocal singing. Songs sung in the accompaniment of this dance is usually a special song from the Saronde Dance. while the tempo played in the accompaniment of this dance will usually be tailored to the song as well as the movements of the dancers.

The Development of Saronde Dance

In its development, Saronde Dance is still continuously preserved and also developed in Gorontalo Province. This dance is also still often displayed as part of the procession of customary marriage there. In addition, this dance is also often displayed in various events such as welcoming, performing arts and cultural festivals. Various creations and variations in terms of motion or clothing are also often done in order to look more attractive but not leave its authenticity.