Balumpa Dance, Traditional Dance From Southeast Sulawesi

Balumpa dance is one of the traditional dances that come from Wakatobi area, Southeast Sulawesi. This dance includes the kind of social dance performed by the female dancers to greet the honored guests who come there. This Balumpa dance is one of the most famous traditional dances in Southeast Sulawesi Province, especially in Wakatobi area. This dance is often displayed in various events such as important guests reception, artistic performances, and also cultural festivals.

The Origin of Balumpa Dance

Balumpa dance is one of the traditional dances that come from Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi Province, especially Binongko and Buton area. It is said that this dance tells of a group of girls who are singing in the accompaniment of regional songs and also music gambus. With great joy, these girls chant and dance with joyful and sincere hearts. Balumpa dance is usually shown in welcoming the honored guests who are coming to the area there.

The Meaning of Balumpa Dance

As mentioned earlier, Balumpa Dance is usually shown as a dance in welcoming the honored guests who come there. They will greet the guest with great joy that is very visible from the expression on the faces of the dancers. For the people there, this dance is interpreted as an expression of gratitude and happiness in welcoming the guests that they respect.

Balumpa Dance Show

Balumpa dance is generally displayed by the female dancers only. But in some performances, there are also featuring male and female dancers as a variation. The number of dancers of this dance usually consists of 6 to 8 dancers, but it is certainly tailored to the needs of each dance group.

In the show, they will dance with a distinctive movement and accompanied by the strains of accompanist musical instruments. Movement in Balumpa Dance is usually dominated by hand movements as well as body movements that swing and also the movement of the legs swung forward. This dance movement is also combined with a cheerful facial expression, so it can make this dance more beautiful.

Balumpa Dance Companion

In Balumpa dance performances this is usually accompanied by traditional musical instruments gambus and vocal accompanist. Songs are performed in accompaniment of this dance, usually a regional song with the theme of cheerfulness and welcome. The sound of vocals and accompanying music is then combined with dance movements, so it will look harmonious and produce a very beautiful dance performance.

Balumpa Dance Costume

The costumes used by dancers in this Balumpa Dance show are usually customary clothing. The dancers will usually use short-sleeved shirts and also wear long cloth typical of Southeast Sulawesi. In addition, dancers will also be equipped with various accessories such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets and also a distinctive headdress, and do not forget the shawl fabric used in dancing.

The Development of Balumpa Dance

In its development, Balumpa Dance is still continuously preserved and developed there. Various creations and also variations are often added in every show, be it in terms of motion, costume, accompaniment, and also dancers to look attractive. Balumpa dance is currently not only featured in the reception of honorable guests but also often displayed in various events such as art performances, cultural festivals, even in tourism promotion events. This is done as a form of effort in preserving and introducing to the younger generation and the wider community about their culture.