Lenggo Dance, Traditional Dance From Bima NTB

Lenggo Dance is a traditional dance originating from Bima, NTB Province. This dance is divided into 2 (two) types of dance namely Lenggo Melayu Dance and Lenggo Mbojo Dance. In this Lenggo, Melayu Dance will usually be played by the male dancers, while the Lenggo Mbojo Dance will be played by the female dancers. Lenggo dance was originally a classical dance that emerged and developed in the environment of the Kingdom of Bima Kingdom and only displayed in certain events.

History of Lenggo Dance

As mentioned earlier, Lenggo Dance is divided into 2 (two) types of dance, namely Lenggo Melayu Dance and Lenggo Mbojo Dance. According to historical sources, the first Lenggo Dance was created by Lenggo Melayu Dance. This Malay Lenggo dance was created by a mubalig from West Sumatra, named Datuk Raja Lelo. The dance was originally created specifically for the traditional ceremony of Hanta Ua Pua held in the area of Bima. Lenggo Malay dance is performed by male dancers, so people from Bima often call it Lenggo Mone Dance.

Inspired by the Malay Lenggo Dance, then Sultan Abdul Khair Sirajuddin created a dance performed by the female dancers called Lenggo Mbojo Dance, also called Lenggo Siwe Dance. The movement in Lenggo Mbojo Dance is the result of creation and development of Lenggo Melayu Dance. This dance is then often displayed in the traditional event of Hanta Ua Pua, the ceremony commemorating the entry of Islam in Bima, NTB Province.

Lenggo Dance Function

Lenggo dance is usually will be displayed on certain occasions such as the traditional event Hanta Ua Pua. In the event is the Lenggo Dance is performed, especially when the entourage Penghulu Melayu is entering the court of the royal palace. While dancing, 2 (two) pairs of Lenggo Dance is also accompanying the Malay Penghulu during the journey into the palace.

Lenggo Dance Performance

In the show, Lenggo Dance is usually played by 4 to 6 dancers, whether Lenggo Melayu Dance or Lenggo Mbojo Dance has the same number of dancers. In the show, the concept of dance is more likely to lead to a welcoming dance, where dancers dance to the arrival of guests or the Malay Penghulu during the traditional event of Hanta Ua Pua. Lenggo dance movement is dominated by slow movements and also graceful follow the accompaniment of musical accompaniment.

Lenggo Dance Music

In the show, Lenggo Dance is accompanied by traditional music from Bima. the accompanying musical instrument is usually like a drum (drums na'e), silu (a kind of serunai), gong and also laughter. To accompany this Lenggo Dance will usually be accompanied by soft rhythmic music or slowly in harmony with the dancer's movement.

Lenggo Dance Costume

In the show, the dancers Lenggo Dance usually use Bima typical clothing, male and female dancers. For the color of this Lenggo Dance costume, usually, will be more dominated by bright colors.

Development of Lenggo Dance

In its development, this dance is still often performed as part of the ceremony Hanta Ua Pua. In addition, Lenggo dance is often performed on such occasions as welcoming important guests and cultural festivals. This is done as part of conservation efforts and introducing the culture and traditions that exist in Bima, NTB Province.