Maena Dance, Traditional Dance From Nias North Sumatra

Maena Dance is one of the traditional dances originating from Nias, North Sumatra Province. This dance belongs to a kind of folk dance done in mass or together. Maena dance is usually often displayed in various events, such as welcoming guests, weddings, as well as other ceremonial Nias ceremonial event.

History of Maena Dance

Historically, Maena Dance is one of the traditional dances of the tribe of Nias people that have existed since time immemorial and has been passed down from generation to generation until now. Since the first dance maena is often done as part of the traditional ceremonial Nias tribe community. This custom continues and continues to be done today.

Function And Meaning Of Maena Dance

As explained earlier, Maena Dance is functioned as an entertainment dance or part of the ceremonial procession of the event. For the Nias community itself, maena dance certainly has a special meaning in it, one of which is the meaning of unity and togetherness. It is also seen from how they dance and do it together with a sense of joy. The more you follow, the mood of the event will become warmer and more festive.

Maena Dance Show

In this Maena Dance can be followed by male or female dancers. For the number of dancers in traditional ceremonial events are usually not specified, so that can be followed by anyone. In the show, usually, will begin with a rhyme performed by a traditional elders or elders called Sanutuo Maena. For rhymes that will be delivered will usually be adjusted to the theme of the event. Then proceed with the poem maena (fanehe maena) sung by all dancers while dancing.

Movement in Maena Dance is actually quite simple, so it does not require special training in doing so. The movement consists of hand movements and movements of the foot that are moved in rhythm back and forth, or even left and right. As for the formation of the dancers can be circular or marching. This formation is certainly adapted to the situation and also the conditions.

Maena Dance Companion

In the show, Maena Dance is basically only accompanied by a song or poem by the dancers. Then the dancers dance with movements that are adjusted to the tempo or rhythm of the song. But there are also some accompanied by traditional musical instruments Nias, especially on the show that the show, to look more festive and also interesting.

Maena Dance Costume

The costume or clothing used by the dancers in Maena Dance show is usually a Nias customs dress. But the use of costume or clothing is also tailored to the event, so there are also using the free clothes in following this dance. In addition, because Maena Dance is a dance of joy, so the audience who do not use custom clothing was also allowed in following him.

Development of Maena Dance

In its development, Maena Dance is still continuously preserved and developed to date. This dance is still often displayed in various events such as the reception of honorable guests, weddings and other traditional ceremonies. In addition, Maena Dance is often displayed in various cultural events such as art performances, cultural festivals, or even tourism promotion.