Piso Surit Dance, Traditional Dance From North Sumatra

Piso Surit dance is a traditional dance of Batak Karo tribe in North Sumatera Province. This dance includes a welcome dance that is generally featured in groups by female and male dancers. Piso Surit dance is one of the most famous traditional dances in North Sumatra, especially in the area of origin in the Karo region. This dance is often displayed in various events such as grand guest reception, traditional events, as well as cultural events.

The Origin of Piso Surit Dance

There are not many sources that explain the origin and history of this Piso Surit Dance, so it still cannot be known for sure. But from some existing sources, this dance is a dance that grows and develops in the Batak Karo people in North Sumatra. The name of Piso Surit Dance is taken from the word "peso surit" which in Karo Batak society is a bird that likes to sing.

Functions And Meanings In Piso Surit Dance

As explained earlier, Piso Surit Dance is a type of welcome dance or a welcoming dance, so Piso Surit Dance is more functioned as a dance in welcoming guests of honor or great guests who come there. When viewed from the movement, this dance depicts someone who is waiting for the arrival of her lover. This wait is described as a piso surit that is sounding as if calling.

Piso Surit Dance Show

Piso Surit dance is generally displayed in groups between male dancers and female dancers. But there are also only featuring female dancers only. For the number of dancers will usually consist of 5 (five) pairs of dancers or more, depending on the group of each and the event to be sung. In the show, the dancers will use traditional dress and dance to accompanied by traditional music.

The movement in Piso Surit Dance is very distinctive. Where the movement tends to be graceful and also many parts that are done repeatedly, although in fact different. These movements include the movement of the tiptoe, stopping the finger, the movement of rotation, movement up and down, and other movements. If observed carefully every movement in the dance must have a special meaning in it.

Dance Piso Surit

In the show, Piso Surit Dance will usually be accompanied by traditional music such as kecapi, gong, and Karo typical drums. While in the rhythm of the improved, the song "Piso surit" which became his trademark. The rhythm in this Piso surit song tends to have a slow tempo, so it fits perfectly with the gangs in the dance.

Piso Surit Dance Costume

For the costumes worn by dancers is usually a Karo customs, complete with "uis" or Karo typical fabric. For male dancers, they usually wear long shirts and long trousers and uis or cloth Karo is used as gonje (sarong), crown, uis nipes and also benting (belt). While the female dancers will usually wear kebaya and various kinds of uis used as abit (bottom long cloth), hood (head cover) and also scarves.

Development of Piso Surit Dance

In its development, Piso Surit Dance is still continuously preserved and developed to date. Various creations and also variations are often done as the development of Piso Surit Dance in order to look attractive but do not eliminate the characteristics and authenticity. This dance is also still often displayed in various traditional events such as the reception of great guests, weddings and at other custom occasions. In addition, Piso Surit Dance is often displayed in various cultural events such as art shows, cultural festivals, and tourism promotion.