Moyo Dance, Traditional Dance From Nias North Sumatra

Moyo dance is one of the traditional dances originating from Nias, North Sumatra Province. This dance is also often called the Eagles Dance because the movement is almost similar to the movement of the flying Eagle bird. Moyo dance is usually will be danced by the female dancers, and often displayed in various events such as the celebration of the big day, the reception of honorable guests, weddings, and other traditional events.

The Origin of Moyo Dance

Moyo dance is a traditional dance originating from Nias, North Sumatra Province. The origin of Moyo Dance is actually still not known for certain. But from some sources that exist, this Moyo dance has existed since hundreds of years ago. It is said that this Moyo Dance was previously only displayed among the noble society, which has special dancers in performing this dance. But over the times, this dance began to be known by the people below and also began to be studied, especially for girls in that era. Until now Moyo dance is still preserved and also often displayed in various events, whether it's a traditional event, entertainment or cultural events.

Function And Meaning Of Moyo Dance

Moyo dance is a kind of dance performances, so it can be functioned as entertainment in an event or as an art show. In addition to rich artistic value, this dance is also rich in the meaning and value of philosophy in it. One of the most visible is the movement of this dance, which depicts the life of a bird flying Eagle free in the sky by flapping into two wings.

Moyo Dance Performance

Moyo dance is usually performed by the female dancers in a pairwise way. For the number of dancers usually consists of 4 (four) dancers or more, according to their respective groups. In the show, the dancers will be wearing traditional clothing or clothing and then dancing to the accompaniment of poetry as well as accompaniment music.

Movement in Moyo Dance is very unique and also very distinctive because the movement is almost similar to the movement of the bird flying Eagle and flapping wings. The movement is usually dominated by hand movements such as packing wings and foot movements on tiptoes. In addition to a unique movement, the pattern of the floor that is played will usually move moved neatly, thus making this dance show more interesting.

Moyo Dance Companion

In Moyo, dance performance will usually be accompanied by traditional music such as drums and gong typical of Nias. It will also be accompanied by chanting poems or songs performed by vocal accompanist, for vocal accompanist is usually will consist of 2 (two) singers. Then for the rhythm that is played will usually start with a slow musical tempo, then it will continue faster. Of course, this rhythm game is also adapted to the movements of the dancers and the lyrics of songs that are brought.

Moyo Dance Costume

For the costumes used by dancers, Moyo Dance is usually a typical custom clothing of the tribe of Nias. This dress consists of long-sleeved shirts, long cloth, cloth serampang and wearing a typical headband Nias. These costumes are usually dominated like colors like red, black, yellow, and white. For this Moyo Dance costume, it will usually vary and depends on the creations of each dance group.

The Development of Moyo Dance

In its development, Moyo Dance is still continuously preserved and developed until now. Various creations and variations in terms of movement, accompaniment, and costumes are also often added in each show to make it look more attractive, but not to leave the authenticity and also its trademark.

Moyo dance is still often displayed in various events such as welcoming the important guests, the celebration of the big day, and various other traditional events. In addition, this dance is also often displayed in various cultural events such as in art performances, cultural festivals, or tourism promotion in Nias, North Sumatra.