Lenggang Dance, Welcome Dance From Surabaya East Java

Lenggang Dance is a typical welcome dance from Surabaya, East Java Province. This dance is played by a dancer who dances with a beautiful and elegant movement. Lenggang Dance Surabaya is an adaptation of the previous art development of Tanda Tanda'an or Ledek Tayub and also Sandur Madura.

History of Lenggang Dance

Historically, this dance was created by Dimas Pramuka Admaji in 1995. At that time he was asked to create a welcoming dance to enliven the anniversary of Surabaya. The request was then welcomed by Dimas Pramuka Admaji which included various elements of culture and also art in the city of Surabaya in the dance creation. In this dance, he developed a dance that on the movement and its presentation refers to the art of Tanda'an and also Sandur Madura.

After going through the process of observation and also a good cultivation, then be a welcome dance called Lenggang Dance this. This dance was first staged in the anniversary of the city of Surabaya in the residence of the mayor of Surabaya. At the event was attended by major guests, both domestically and abroad. Through the presentation of good dance, this dance gets appreciation from the guests who come. From there the beginning of the emergence of Lenggang Dance which until now served as one of the welcome dance to welcome big guests who come to the city of Surabaya.

Lenggang Dance Performance

In the show, these Lenggang Dance dancers can be displayed individually, in pairs or in groups. In Lenggang dance movement is more emphasis on the movement of the head, hands, chest, and hips. In addition, in this dance is dominated by the movement to play a shawl worn at the neck of the dancer. In the show, the dancers dance with a graceful movement and also full of feeling in accordance with the accompaniment of accompaniment music.

Lenggang Dance Companion

Music accompaniment in this dance performances usually uses the accompaniment of Javanese gamelan with a slendro barrel which is characteristic of Gamelan music of East Java. The accompaniment of this music should be combined with movements in the dance, so it will bring up a matching dance presentation. Gendhing used is usually Gendhing Jawa Timuran, such as wearing rhinoceros snack, jaranan, jula juli and others. In addition to music, there are also additions such as vocal style silver headland which became the identity of the city of Surabaya and is a development of Sandur Madura and also Remo daughter.

Lenggang Dance Fashion

In addition to a beautiful and dynamic movement, the dancers also look beautiful with a makeup as well as a distinctive outfit. In Lenggang Dance fashion is a development of Sandur Madura Dance, Tanda Tanda, and also Ning Surabaya is packed with full color. The dancers in this dance usually use kebaya inside and also kemben outside with a variety of ornament lines as a sweetener. At the bottom of the dancers using a long cloth Batik typical of Pekalongan or Batik typical of Madura with a jarit-shaped accent and color in accordance with kebaya. In addition, various accessories as a sweetener such as bokongan, sampur, belt or ebog, earrings, cundhuk, and condoms on the head. Also supported with a makeup that is adapted to the color of clothing that is used so that the dancers look expressive and beautiful.

Development of Lenggang Dance

In its development, this dance is still maintained its existence, because this dance is a dance creation that can be modified with some variation but not leaving the point. Lenggang Dance is still preserved by way of study and also displayed at the event welcoming the big guests, cultural festivals, and others, as a form of business in the preservation and introduce to the public about the arts and culture of Surabaya.