Jepin Dance, Traditional Dance From West Kalimantan

Jepin Dance is a traditional art from West Kalimantan that is adapted from Malay art, Islam religion, and also local culture. This dance is one of the media spread of Islam in the Province of West Kalimantan. Jepin Dance is the art of dance motion and song that has to mean in every movement.

History of Jepin Dance

According to some existing historical sources. Jepin Dance was originally an art that became the medium of da'wah in the spread of Islam in the 13th century. This dance was originally displayed in the Sambas area of West Kalimantan Province. Then spread and also expand to various areas in West Kalimantan Province.

Jepin Dance Show

Movement in Jepin Dance is more emphasis on the movement of the feet and hands. In the show, the movement begins with an opening greeting. After that, the dancers perform a movement that rests on the movement of the legs that move repeatedly. Two feet of dancers move back and forth, left and right, as well as circular motions. At first, this movement has some rules, one of which is the dancer should not be too astride and also the hands should not be swung too high.

Clothing Dance Jepin

In the show is Dance Jepin is often played by male and female dancers wrapped with a typical outfit of the Malay. With long sleeves and long trousers adorned with a cloth or sarong on their waist. At the head, male dancers will usually use a headgear like a black cap. In female dancers are usually decorated with ornaments knick-knacks such as flowers.

Companion Dance Jepin

In the show, this dance is accompanied by traditional Malay music such as gambus instruments, percussion, and also marawis. Besides accompanied by music, this dance is also accompanied by a song in the form of pantun contains about daily life and values in the teachings of Islam.

The development of Jepin Dance

Jepin Dance has evolved to various areas in West Kalimantan Province and became one of the regional arts in West Kalimantan Province. This dance is not only a medium for the spread of religion but also as art and entertainment. Along with its development, this dance has developed and has various new creations, such as Jepin Dance, soft jepin, jepin fan and also jepin rope bui. Although many have new creations, some of these dances still do not leave from the original grip.

Jepin dance can be found in various events of Malay custom in West Kalimantan Province such as Malay style wedding. In addition, this dance can also be found in various events such as welcoming big guests or cultural festivals.