Lengger Dance is one of the traditional dances originating from Central Java. This dance is played by a man and a woman. Lengger dance is a development of the previous dance, the Tayub dance. Lengger dance is also a classical dance that has existed since ancient times until now.
History of Lengger Dance
Lengger Dance name itself is taken from the wordle which means boy and word ger which means a tantrum or crowded. Because of a large number of male audiences present in every show. This dance was formerly considered negative because the movement and also the scene in this dance is considered to incite lust. Also not infrequently the audience who participated in dancing while drunk. But this dance has been successfully changed by Sunan Kalijaga and then make this dance as a means of propaganda which inserted the teachings to always remember to God. So many also say that the name lengger taken from the word eleng or eling which means remember, while the word ngger means nak (the name for a child). So that can be interpreted to remember the child is the appeal to remember the good and also to remember the greatness of God.
Lengger Dance Performances
In the show, this dance is generally played by 2 (two) men and women. In this dance there are several rounds, each round will usually be played within 10 minutes. The uniqueness in Lengger Dance is also located in the costumes of the dancers, the female dancers will usually use traditional dress with a shawl that is used for dancing and male dancers perform with a mask.
Lengger Dance Companion
In the show, this Lengger Dance will usually be accompanied by traditional musical instruments such as gambang, calung, saron, kendang, gong and other traditional musk instruments.
Lengger Dance Fashion
Clothing used in this dance, for female dancers will usually use a kemben, jarit cloth, crown, and scarf, combined with makeup that makes dancers look beautiful and charming. As for male dancers usually only use a long shirt or use a vest, kai jarit along the thigh, headband, knee-high pants, and mask. For the mask used is usually to describe the characters they play.
The Development of Lengger Dance
In its development, this dance is still a traditional dance that is preserved in the province of Central Java. This dance is still often displayed in several places in Central Java as in banyumas, wonosobo, dieng, and others. Lengger dance is usually displayed in the celebration, big day, welcoming guests and cultural festivals in the province of Central Java.