Ledo Hawu Dance, Traditional Dance From NTT

Ledo Hawu dance is a traditional dance from Sabu Raijua area, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT). This dance will usually be performed by male and female dancers in pairs. Ledo Hawu dance is one of the most famous traditional dances in East Nusa Tenggara Province, especially in Sabu area as its home region. Ledo Hawu dance is usually displayed in various events such as traditional ceremonies, welcoming and at cultural festivals.

The Origin of Ledo Hawu Dancing

Ledo Hawu dance is a traditional dance that comes from Sabu area, East Nusa Tenggara Province. In ancient times, this dance was only featured as part of a death ceremony for certain people such as nobles, traditional leaders, or tribal chiefs. Because it is a dance that is considered sacred, then this dance is only performed by dancers from certain tribes who have the highest position in Sabu society.

Functions And Meaning Of Ledo Hawu Dance

As mentioned earlier, the Ledo Hawu Dance was originally only used as part of a death ritual for someone of a certain circle. For the people of Sabu, Ledo Hawu Dance is done to keep away from evil spirits or reject the reinforcements and deliver dead spirits to perennial retreat. In addition, Ledo Hawu Dance is intended to entertain the families that have been left in order not to go berserk in mourning.

Ledo Hawu Dance Show

In the show, Ledo Hawu dance is usually displayed in groups or in pairs between male and female dancers. The number of dancers usually consists of 3 to 5 people, meaning 3 to 5 male dancers and 3 to 5 female dancers. Dressed in traditional Sabu and accompanied by traditional music, they will dance in a very distinctive movement.

In the show will usually be done in 6 innings. The first begins with the entry of the dancers who enter into the arena separately between men or women to the middle of the arena and make a circular formation. Then the second half continued with paired formations between male and female dancers. The male dancer dancers will stand while playing the sword, while the female dancers will be humble while swinging their hands forward and also backward in turn.

After the third round, this stage the male and female dancers will form the line, the male dancers will dance by playing the sword, while the female dancers will dance with the movement of the right hand that holds the holster and left hand placed at the waist. Then the fourth round, knitted by forming a circle, the female dancers will be humble again with the same movement as before and the male dancers will jump in and also back down again.

After the fifth round, the female dancers to the edge of the arena will form a circle and then humble with the same movement while watching the male dancers who were fighting the war. After the warfare is completed then the last round, the dancers will line up and exit the arena with the same movement as when entering the arena.

Ledo Hawu Dance Movement

Movement in Ledo Hawu Dance is divided into several types. In the male dancers, there are types of movements such as ede, gedhe, teeth, and also the bullet. While on the female dancers there are types of movements such as launada, peidoi, beto, here, and gepe. Each type of movement typically represents every stage of the Ledo Hawu Dance performance. But it depends on the concepts and variations presented by each group.

Ledo Hawu Dance Companion

Ledo Hawu dance is usually will be accompanied by traditional musical instruments such as gongs and also sow. For musical instruments gong generally, consists of several gongs that are played alternately so that will produce a beautiful tone. While the tarbur played with complement the sound of gong so it will produce a rhythm of the music that is nice to hear.

Ledo Hawu Dance Costume

In the show, the dancers are clad in traditional clothes of Sabu. In male dancers will usually use a typical cloth that is often called higi huri worn to cover on the abdomen to the knee and used for selampang. At the head of the dancers use dastar (willa hipora). In addition, male dancers are equipped with bells (walagiri), swords (hamala) and also handkerchiefs on the left hand.

In the female dancers use a special cloth from Sabu (ei) that is bound to the chest and cover the legs. While on the hair will ditonde typical Sabu tribe and decorated by labba. In addition, female dancers are equipped with ornaments such as necklaces (habas), earrings (ate-ate), bracelets (lele), and also belts (pending).

The Development of Ledo Hawu Dancing

Although this dance has been a long time, this dance is still maintained and preserved by the people of Sabu. In its development, Ledo Hawu Dance is not only displayed in traditional ceremonies, but also displayed for events such as welcoming important guests, celebrations, and also cultural arts performances. In addition, this dance is an attraction for tourists who are visiting there. It is certainly one of the efforts in preserving and also introducing to the younger generation as well as the wider community of traditions and traditions in the Sabu region.