Lego Lego Dance, Traditional Dance From NTT

Lego Lego dance is a traditional dance of the community on Alor Island, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT). This dance is usually played by male and female dancers en masse. In this dance, they will dance with each other hand in hand and also form a circular formation around Mesbah. Lego Lego dance is a well-known traditional dance in Alor area, East Nusa Tenggara Province, and is often featured in various events, be it a traditional event or a show.

The Origin of Lego Lego Dance

Lego Lego dance is a traditional dance passed down for generations to the people of Alor and to this day is still preserved. This dance is originally a dance that is often held during traditional ceremonies or after performing joint activities as an expression of their gratitude and joy. This expression of gratitude they do by circumambulating Mesbah while holding hands and also singing songs of praise to God. Mesbah itself is an object that is sacred to the people of Alor Island.

Functions And Meaning Of Lego Lego Dance

As explained earlier, Lego Lego Dance is an expression of gratitude and happiness to the people of God. In addition, in this dance also illustrates the spirit of unity and togetherness Alor community that is closely intertwined through the movement of dance. It is seen from the dancers who are holding hands and also gathered together to celebrate together without distinguishing the gender, social status, and so forth.

Lego Lego Dance Performance

In the show, Lego Lego Dance is usually played en masse by male or female dancers. They will gather into a single line, both male and female dancers hand in hand and form a circle that characterizes it. Guided by their guides then danced while singing a traditional song and moving around Mesbah.

Movement in Lego Lego Dance is quite simple, This movement is usually dominated by the movement of the legs back and forth or to the right and left. But this dance is in need of cohesiveness in dancing. If it is not compact then the sound of the bracelet will sound confused. In addition, dancers can fall and lose balance.

Every area in Alor usually has its own style in doing Lego Lego Dance, both in terms of movement, song, and musical accompaniment. But even so, they still do it by holding hands and dancing around Mesbah which is characteristic of Lego Lego Dance.

Lego Lego Dance Counter

In this dance will usually be done without musical accompaniment and only accompanied by a song and the clattering sound of anklets that follow the footsteps of the dancers. But there are also some areas in Alor area that uses musical instruments such as moko and gong as accompaniment music

Lego Lego Dance Costume

In this Lego Lego Dance show usually, dancers will use their custom clothing. For clothing usually, the dancers use a sarong cloth and also a typical woven fabric from Alor. While at the head of the male dancers will use a head cover made of cloth, and the hair of the female dancers left unraveled. In addition, as a dancing attribute, dancers will be equipped with anklets that produce sounds that follow the footsteps of the dancers.

The Development of Lego Lego Dance

As one of the ancestral heritage, Lego Lego Dance is still preserved and preserved until now. In its development, this dance is not only performed during traditional ceremonies but also often displayed in various events such as welcoming guests and cultural festivals. This is done in an effort to preserve and also introduce to the wider community their traditions and cultures.