Lahbako Dance, Traditional Dance From Jember East Java

Lahbako Dance is a traditional dance originating from Jember, East Java Province, This dance depicts the life of the tobacco farmers in Jember. The dance is performed by some female dancers in a movement depicting the activities of the farmers in a tobacco field or garden. Lahbako Dance is a famous traditional art in East Java and became one of the icons of Jember city.

History of Lahbako Dance

Lahbako dance was created in the 1980s initiated by the Regent of Jember at the time. This dance is inspired by the daily life of Jember people who mostly are tobacco farmers. Jember region itself is one of the best tobacco producing areas and also the largest in Indonesia. In addition, Lahbako Dance is a form of appreciation for the role of women Jember to the tobacco industry there. Because most of the work on tobacco production is done by women. Thus created Lahbako Dance which describes the activities of the tobacco farmers there.

The name of Lahbako Dance itself is a combination of 2 (two) words namely Lah and Bako. Lah itself is a piece of the word or process. While in the word Bako itself is a connotation of the word tobacco. So that can be interpreted this Lahbako dance is a dance that describes the processing of tobacco.

Lahbako Dance Show

In this Lahbako Dance performance, it will usually be performed by 4 to 8 female dancers who dance in a movement depicting their activities in the field. In the show, the dance begins with a movement that describes the journey from home to the tobacco gardens. Then proceed with a movement that describes the process of picking leaf tobacco. In this movement, the dancers will dance with movement as they are picking the leaves and also put into the basket with a very beautiful movement.

After that proceed with walking to the warehouse with a basket of tobacco earlier. After reaching the warehouse and then proceed with the movement that describes when drying the leaves tobacco to dry. Then followed by the movement of tobacco leaf and packing. All of the movement's portrayals are displayed in a beautiful and meaningful movement. Movement in this dance more refers to the gentle movement, straightforward and also in tune with the music accompaniment.

Music Accompaniment Lahbako Dance

For music accompaniment in this dance is usually a music patrol. That is one type of traditional music from Jember made of bamboo like kentongan and have different sizes and played regularly so it will produce a beautiful sound and pleasant to hear.

Lahbako Dance Costume and Make-Up

The costume or clothing used in this Lahbako Dance show is basically a traditional dress with a picture of the tobacco farmers who are there. At the head of the dancer will use Cemol bun, the type of bun that extends upwards. In addition, various accessories such as small flags ornaments, earrings, and other decorations in the form of tobacco leaves. For clothes that are used, usually, will wear kebaya clothes. Then at the bottom will use a long cloth or sarong and also aprons or placemats that are usually used by farmers in measuring the leaves to be picked. In addition to the costumes, the dancers look beautiful and straightforward with makeup from Madura style tailored to the costumes used.

Development of Lahbako Dance

Starting from the dance creations are rich in value in it, Lahbako Dance is now a very famous dance and proud by the people of Jember. Proven by making this dance as one of the city icons Jember. This dance is still preserved and also studied, either in art galleries or introduced through the field of education. In addition, this dance is often displayed in various events such as welcoming guests, cultural festivals, and other big events. It is expected that this art can be preserved and can introduce to the public about this Lahbako Dance.