Kataga Dance, Traditional Dances From West Sumba NTT

Kataga Dance is one of the traditional dances of a kind of war dance typical of West Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT). This dance is usually played by male dancers using custom costume and equipped weapons such as swords and shields. Kataga dance is a quite famous traditional dance in NTT, especially in West Sumba which is where it came from. This dance is usually displayed in various traditional events, welcoming, or cultural performances.

History of Kataga Dance

It is said that in ancient times in Sumba there have been wars between villages or inter-tribes called the war sparring. In this duel, who wins must bring home the heads of the losing enemy as a symbol of their victory. The head is then hung in Adung court or Talora. If there is a third party who makes peace agreements on both sides, then the skull can be brought back by the enemy as a sign of peace.

After this peace agreement is complete, usually the soldiers who follow the battle will demonstrate the way they fight, how they fend off, attack, dodge, to cut off the opponent's head. But after the tradition of warfare has been eliminated, then they make the movement into a dance movement that is currently called the Kataga Dance. Kataga itself comes from the word katagahu which means the act of cutting the head of the victim of war.

Value And Meaning Of Kataga Dance

Kataga dance is one of the traditional dances in Indonesia that have artistic, philosophical, and historical value. The value of this art is seen from the movements of the dancers which are a blend of dance art and war art from the people of Sumba. Every movement of Kataga Dance also has its own philosophy and meaning. In addition, Kataga dance is a dance that is lifted from the history of Sumba society in ancient times, so it will be rich in historical value.

Kataga Dance Show

This Kataga dance will usually be played by 8 (eight) or more male dancers in typical custom costumes from Sumba and equipped by weapons such as swords and shields. In the show, the dancers will be divided into 2 (two) groups depicting 2 (two) camps fighting each other. Accompanied by a very fast music accompaniment, dancers dance while shouting a distinctive voice that will make the atmosphere of the show more festive.

This dance movement will usually be dominated by swinging movements of the sword and also the movement of the jumping legs followed by the movement of the body such as avoiding the attack. It will also be interspersed with movements of shielding shields when the formation is lined up. Katakan Dance Movement is fairly difficult, so only trained people who can do it. It also required compactness so that the movement of this dance looks beautiful.

Dance Accompanist Kataga

In this Kataga Dance show is usually only accompanied by some musical instruments such as gong played with fast rhythm. In addition, the sound of screams from the dancers, the shielding and the clattering of the small bells mounted on the dancers, are also arranged and harmonized with accompanying music so that it will produce a distinctive sound mix.

Kataga Dance Costume

The costumes used by dancers during the performance are usually customary attire from Sumba society. The dancers will usually use t-shirts and shorts inside, while on the outside usually using a distinctive white cloth. Then the head section is usually the dancers will use a different headband color for each group. And do not forget to bring swords and artificial shields used in dancing.

Development of Kataga Dance

Kataga dance is a quite famous traditional dance in the province of NTT, especially the area of West Sumba. Although this dance is an old dance, Kataga Dance is still preserved and maintained by the people there. In its development, this dance is still often displayed in various events such as traditional events, welcoming, as well as art and cultural events. It is done as an effort to preserve and also introduce to the general public to the younger generation of their culture and traditions.