Kinyah Uut Danum Dance, War Dance From West Kalimantan

Kinyah Uut Danum dance is a war dance originating from West Kalimantan Province. This dance shows courage as well as martial arts techniques when fighting. As the name implies, this dance comes from the subtribe of Dayak uut danum in West Kalimantan Province.

History of Dance Kinyah Uut Danum

Kinyah Uut danum dance was originally a dance for physical preparation before mengayau, the tradition of hunting the head of the enemy conducted by the Dayak tribes of antiquity. This dance is to show the readiness of the men of the Dayak uut danum to be released in the forest for the head. Almost all of the Dayak sub-tribes have this kind of war dance. But every Dayak sub-tribe certainly has a secret killing technique. Dayak uut danum tribe itself is known for movement and also a dangerous technique in killing his enemies.

As the times progressed, this tradition of crocodiles ends at the time of the collapse agreement. This anoi collapse agreement is a peace treaty, in which the leaders of each Dayak sub-tribe in the province of Kalimantan gather and make a peace treaty. Following the peace agreement, the tradition of abandonment was abandoned and kinyah dance began to serve as a traditional dance. In addition, this dance to commemorate the history and courage of Dayak men of antiquity.

Kinyah Uut Danum Dance Show

Movement of Kinyah Uut danum dance is preferred for the agile movement in attack and vigilance in defense. In addition to the movement of martial arts techniques, this dance is also interspersed with dance movements and theatrical so that the movement does not look stiff in the show. This dance is usually performed by 2 (two) men. At the time of dancing, one of the dancers will make an impromptu attack so that required a high vigilance in defense. Not infrequently this dance makes spectators amazed in watching this dance Kinyah Uut Danum.

Kinyah Uut danum Dance Costume

In the show, Kinyah Uut Danum dance is performed by 2 (two) men. The costumes used in this dance are customary clothing typical of the Dayak uut Danum tribe. In this dance the dancer is equipped with weapons like Mandau and also a shield used to attack and defend. In this dance is also accompanied by traditional music with rhythm in accordance with the movements of the dancers, so this show is more alive and also amazing.

The Development of Kutah Kutah Uut Danum

Kinyah Uut Danum dance is often performed in traditional events such as gateways, guests reception, and cultural festivals. This dance is still preserved by local government and Dayak community as the preservation of cultural heritage and traditional art in West Kalimantan province. Despite numerous creations as well as variations within each show, it does not diminish the original values and movements.