Ketuk Tilu Dance, Traditional Dance From West Java

Ketuk Tilu Dance is one of the traditional dances originating from West Java. This dance is an entertainment dance or social dance. Ketuk Tilu Dance is often displayed at events such as weddings, event endings, and other events. Tap Tilu Dance is also a forerunner of the Jaipong Dance is very famous in West Java Province.

Dance History Ketuk Tilu

Historically, Tilu Tilu Dance was formerly a dance of traditional ceremony in welcoming rice harvest as an expression of gratitude to Dewi Sridewi, the goddess of rice in the belief of the Sundanese people. In ancient times, the ceremony was performed during the night, by parading a girl to a vast area accompanied by sounds. But with the development of the times, dance ketuk tilu is a social dance and entertainment for the community. Name ketuk tilu itself is taken from the musical instrument accompaniment which is called the bonang that issued 3 sounds are the rhythm of rebab, kendang indung and also kulanter.

Dance Performance Ketuk Tilu

Movement is done in Ketuk Tilu Dance is a movement like rocking, pencak, muncid, gitek and also geol. In this dance, the movement has its own name such as depok, oray orayan, opat swarm, squirrel limpat, rubber tires and others. at the show, usually, begins with the music and accompaniment in gathering the audience. Then the dancers will enter the stage with jajangkungan motion and then proceed with wawayangan motion is at the time of dancers while dancing and also singing. After that primadonna dancer will appear and dance and continued with single ngibing or ibing champion with the accompaniment of 3 (three) songs including Cikeruhan, Cijagran, and also mamang. Then the dancers will invite the audience in dancing in pairs.

Dance Performance Ketuk Tilu

In this dance performance, the mandatory song that must be brought is a hymn and moan. Then other songs are sung usually like sorong, kaji kaji, naek geboy, kembang beureum, stump kawung, sonteng and others. The lyrics of the song are in the form of pantun with the theme of romance and also the joy. In addition, there are also songs made with spontaneous lyrics (made on the spot). Musical instrument accompaniment used among others are rebab, gong, kecrek, big kendang, kempul, and kulanter.

Dance Costumes Ketuk Tilu

The costumes used in this Ketuk Tilu Dance show consist of male dancer costume and lady costume. In men's costumes will usually use a camper shirt with a dark color. At the bottom will use a pair of pants with attributes such as leather belt and machete. At the head will use a headband. In women, the costume will usually wear kebaya clothes with sinjang pants at the bottom. It also comes with accessories such as scarves, bracelets, belts, and necklaces. At the head of the dancers will usually use a bun with ornaments from the flower arrangement to add beauty from the dancers.

The Development of Ketuk Tilu Dance

In its development, this dance has become an inspiration for the artists in West Java Province in creating new creations dance. Although this dance was once a controversy because of its erotic movement, it has grown to become the embryo of popular dances in West Java Province.