Caping Ngancak Dance, Traditional Dance From Lamongan East Java

Caping Ngancak dance is one of the traditional dances from Lamongan district, East Java province. This dance depicts the activities of the farmers in the fields. In this dance, dancers dance like a farmer who uses a hat or hat made of woven bamboo as an attribute in the dance. Caping Ngancak dance is a famous traditional dance from Lamongan district other than Boran Dance.

History of Caping Ngancak Dance

Caping Ngancak dance is a new creations dance that is nicely packed with traditional style. In accordance with the theme in this dance that describes the activities of the farmers at the time in the fields. So whether it's from the costumes and movements will describe like a farmer who is in the fields. Caping Ngancak dance was originally created by Tri Kristiani and Ninin in order to follow a cultural festival held in East Java Province to represent from Lamongan District. This dance then received a very good reception by winning various awards in the cultural festival and also began to be known by the public.

Caping Ngancak Dance Show

In the show, this dance is performed by dancers in groups. This dance will usually be performed by 9 (nine) women dancers with the formation and also the movement that is compact, lively and full of meaning. The movement in this dance depicts the activities of the farmers in the fields starting from planting rice to harvest. This dance is more dominated by hand gestures and also a game of caping as an attribute in their dancing. The movement is done in a compact and neat so it will look interesting.

Caping Caps Ngancak Costume

In the show, the dancers also use a costume like a farmer with a caping as an attribute dance. At the top of the dancers wear long-sleeved shirts. then at the bottom will use pants along the knee and sarong cloth covering it. In addition, there are also various accessories such as the belt with the front-rear fabric complete with ornaments knick-knacks as a sweetener.

Development of Caping Ngancak Dance

In its development, this dance began to be widely known and has become one of the traditional dances of pride Lamongan community, East Java Province. As with the Boran Dance, Caping Ngancak Dance is also still being preserved and also often displayed in various cultural events both at the regional and national levels.