Katrili Dance, Traditional Dance From North Sulawesi

Katrili dance is a traditional dance of the Minahasa people in North Sulawesi Province. This dance belongs to social dance or community entertainment dance performed by male and female dancers. This Katrili dance is a traditional dance which is quite popular among the people of Minahasa tribe and is also often displayed in various events such as celebrations, weddings, welcoming and also cultural festivals.

History of Katrili Dance

This Katrili dance is a traditional dance blend of European culture and also Minahasa culture. So at a glance, this dance looks like a modern dance, although it has existed since ancient times. Historically, Katrili Dance has existed since the Spanish and Portuguese came to the province of North Sulawesi. At that time they came to buy the crops contained in the land of Minahasa. Due to the results they get so much, they celebrate it with a festive party and also enlivened with the dance performed in pairs between men and women.

They then also often invite the indigenous people, especially in the Minahasa tribe community to participate in the celebration. Over time this dance began to become a habit of society and is still often done, although the Spanish and Portuguese have no longer there. This dance is then developed and combined with the original art of the Minahasa community, be it in terms of movement, formation, costumes and musical accompaniment. Then become a form of dance that is like today and called Katrili Dance. In the estimation of this word Katrili Dance comes from the European language Quadrille, which then turned into the word Katrili.

The Function And Meaning Of Katrili Dance

Katrili dance itself is actually a dance that is more ceremonial, entertainment, social and social. So it is very suitable once displayed on the event that is entertainment or celebration. When viewed from its function, Katrili Dance can be interpreted as an expression of community joy. However, when viewed from the movement and dancers, then this dance can be interpreted as a social dance between the youth and the young in a love story or social.

The Katrili Dance Show

This Katrili dance is a dance performed in pairs between male and female dancers. For the number of dancers, usually consists of 6 (six) male dancers and 6 (six) female dancers, as well as a female dancer who will be a dance leader and give a signal. In the show, the dancers dance with a lively movement and also expressive and accompanied by the musical accompaniment. Movement in this Katrili Dance is usually more dominated by the movement of swing and movement of each other pink finger together with others. In addition, dancers will also dance with a changing formation or move.

Dance of Katrili

In katrili dance performances will usually be accompanied by the strains of traditional musical instruments Minahasa namely Kolintang. While the rhythm that is played is usually a traditional song with a theme of fun or togetherness. Along with the development of the era, this Katrili dance began more often accompanied by music recording, but there are still some dance groups that still retain Kolintang music as a dance musical instrument to impress the traditional impression.

Katrili Dance Costume

The costumes used by dancers in the Katrili Dance show usually wear European-style clothing. The female dancers will usually wear long dresses and also high heels. In the hair, the section will usually be parsed on the right shoulder and decorated with a hair ornament like a small crown. In addition, female dancers are equipped with accessories such as bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. For male dancers usually only use suits, hats, and pants.

The Development of Katrili Dance

Although this dance is a mixed culture, the Katrili Dance is still being preserved and developed in North Sulawesi Province. Various creations and variations are also often added in every appearance, be it in terms of motion, formation, costumes, and accompaniments to look attractive. Katrili dance is also still often displayed in various events such as celebrations, weddings, welcoming, and also other entertainment events. In addition, this dance is often displayed in events such as art performances and cultural festivals.