Mahambak Dance, Traditional Dance From North Sulawesi

Mahambak Dance is a traditional dance from the Tribe of Bantik children in North Sulawesi Province. This dance is a dance that is mass and performed by male and female dancers. In this dance, the dancers dance with a distinctive movement and accompanied by the traditional songs of the theme of unity and also the harmony of the Tribe of Bantik people. Mahambak Dance is a traditional dance that is quite famous in North Sulawesi Province and is often displayed in some events such as traditional ceremonies, harvest highway, welcoming, celebration, and various at other cultural events.

History of Mahambak Dance

Historically, the people of Bantik tribe had been scattered to several regions in North Sulawesi province such as Malalayang, Molas, Ongkau, Boyong and other areas. The difficulty of communication media at the time made the meeting between them to be something very valuable. In celebrating the meeting they perform by dancing this Mahambak Dance.

This dance they do together with a sense of joy and happiness while singing a poem that themed the spirit of togetherness and also the unity of the people Tribe Bantik. Although scattered in various regions, this sense of unity and harmony become the values held by the people of Bantik tribe from generation to generation.

Meaning of Dance Mahambak

The name of this Mahambak Dance itself literally means joy and joy. So this dance can be interpreted dance that describes a joy and joy from the community, especially for the people Tribe Bantik. The values of unity and also togetherness is very visible in this dance, it can be seen from the movements or poems that are brought in accompanying this dance.

Mahadak Dance Performance

This dumpling dance is usually performed in pairs by male dancers and female dancers. the number of dancers usually consists of 10 (ten) pairs of dancers or more and will also be led by a female dancer who is usually called the chapel. In this dance performances, Mahambak dancers usually dance by using traditional clothing and handkerchief as an attribute in the dance.

In the show, this dance begins with dancers dancing into the arena by marching in pairs and will be led by the chapel. Then after entering the arena they will dance in pairs and will form several lines while singing a traditional song. Sometimes they will also make a circular formation while holding hands around chapels or dance leaders. after the dance is finished then it will end without the arena with the same line and movement as on entering the arena.

This Mahambak Dance is divided into 2 (two) types namely Traditional Mahogak Dance and also Dance Mahambak Imbasan. Traditional Mahambak Dance this movement is more dominated by the movement of the foot and dance without accompanied by drums. Whereas in Dance Mahambak Imbasan, movement and formation more varied. It also sang more songs and accompanied by musical instruments drum.

Companion Dance Mahambak

In this Dance, Mahambak performances will usually be accompanied by traditional musical instruments such as tambour. For the rhythm that is played will usually be adapted to the songs and movements of the dancers. As for the song that is sung is usually a traditional song from the community Tribe Bantik the theme of unity and also community harmonies such as Mahambak bantik song, Wood dondo, and other traditional songs.

Dance Costume Mahambak

The costumes used in this Mahadak Dance performance are usually customary clothing. In female dancers will usually use long-sleeved shirt or kebaya and long cloth typical of North Sulawesi. While the male dancers will usually use the long-sleeved shirt, long pants and also a typical head cover from North Sulawesi. In addition, the dancers also brought handkerchiefs used in dancing.

The Development of Mahambak Dance

In its development, Tari Mahambak is still continuously preserved and developed by the people there. Various creations and variations in terms of costume, motion or formation are also often added in each show, so this dance looks interesting. Mahambak Dance is still often displayed in various events such as traditional ceremonies, celebrations, welcoming, performing arts and cultural festivals.