Kabokang Dance, Traditional Dance From East Sumba NTT

Kabokang Dance is a traditional dance originating from East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). This dance is generally played by the female dancers who dance with a graceful movement and very distinctive. This Kabokang Dance is one of the most famous traditional dances in East Sumba and is often featured in various events such as traditional events, welcoming guests and also performing arts.

The Origin of Kabokang Dance

Kabokang Dance is a traditional dance that grows and develops in East Sumba, NTT Province. Initially, this dance is a sacred dance that is often used by the public to welcome the arrival of the king or nobility. This Kabokang dance illustrates the joy and respect of society towards the king or nobleman who is coming there.

Kabokang Dance Show

In the show, this Kabokang Dance is usually displayed by 4 to 6 female dancers. Dressed in distinctive clothing and also accompanied by traditional music, dancers dance with graceful movements. Movement in Kabokang Dance is more dominated by the typical foot movements and hand movements in playing long cloth worn by the dancers. While the movements of the body of the dancers also move swerving follow from the movement of the feet and also the hands of the dancers.

The dancers are usually equipped with attributes such as tassels on the part of their hands. This tassel is usually played alternately with a long cloth. In addition, at the foot of the dancers will usually be installed bells on the bracelet, so when the dancers stomp your feet, then the bells will sound.

Companion Dance Kabokang

In this show, Kabokang Dance will usually be accompanied by traditional musical instruments such as gongs and drums. This musical accompaniment is aligned with the movements of the dancers, so that when the dancer stomps the feet will produce sound from the bells that combined with the musical accompaniment and will produce a distinctive sound. Of course, the compactness of the dancers and accompanist is needed so that the sound produced does not sound ambiguous.

Kabokang Dance Costume

In the Kabokang Dance show, the costumes used by the dancers are usually the costumes of traditional clothing. Clothes such as hingi kombu and also kiara that wrap the body of dancers. While on the head will usually use a red headband. In addition, the dancers are equipped with attributes such as bells on the ankles, and fringe on the hands used in dancing.

Development of Kabokang Dance

In its development, this dance has also started to be rarely displayed. The existence of new dances and the development of an increasingly modern era to make the charm of Kabokang Dance getting dimmer. However, some art galleries in East Sumba are still trying to preserve it by often displaying it in various events such as performing arts, cultural festivals and also welcoming important guests. It is an attempt by artists to introduce young people and the wider community about their culture and traditions. Of course, the support and attention of the community and government are needed in preserving this dance.