Jepen Dance, Traditional Dance From East Kalimantan

Jepen Dance is a traditional dance originating from East Kalimantan. This dance is inspired by Malay culture and also Islamic culture. Jepen dance is developed in various areas of the outskirts of Mahakam River East Kalimantan Province. Jepen Dance is one of the traditional dances that present a dynamic culture of Malay, energetic, attractive, and understated.

Jepen Dance Show

Basically, the movement in the Jepen Dance is very thick will nuance, Malay. Similar to other dances in Indonesia, such as zapin dance, dance funds, and dance that all derived from tribal society Melayu. One that shows the typical Malay look on the makeup and clothing. In the makeup of the female dancers are generally made minimalist, without removing the touch of typical Malay in the dancer's outfit. In the show, this dance consists of 2 (two) types namely Jepen Dance eroh and also Jepen Dance genjoh mahakam.

Jepen Dance Show

Jepen Dance genjoh Mahakam this is one type of creations Dance Jepen most of the dance movement is purely from Dance Jepen. For example in the movement of respect, wave movements, full samba movement, the way is good, hometown, half samba movement, and also victim movement. In general, this genjoh Mahakam dance presents a lot of Malay cultures.

While Jepen Dance eroh this is a dance Jepen that does not leave the original movement as in the variety of homage, variety samba setangan, full range samba, gengsot variety, the variety of waves, variety of children, and others. The word eroh in the kutai language means crowded or joyful. The arrangement in this dance is full of dynamic movement and full of depictions of fun.

Clothing Dance Jepen

In the show, the dancers dance with bandage clothing typical blend of a thick Malay with Islamic nuances and also a mixture of typical clothing from Indonesia. Although the makeup is minimalist, the dancers look polite and understated. At the time of dancing, dancers are also equipped with a shawl as a dancing property. Dancers dance with energetic and also full of elegance.

Companion Dance Jepen

In the show, Jepen Dance is accompanied by music tingkilan. This tingkilan music is one of the typical musical arts of kutai. In music tingkilan, the instruments used are gambus, ketipung, kendang and violin. It is also accompanied by a song called by bertingkilan. Taking a step means repeating. This singing is usually performed by 2 (two) singers who are shouting each other in singing poems that contain advice or moral messages.

Development of Jepen Dance

In its development, this dance is often performed in a cultural festival held by the local government in East Kalimantan province as a form of local art preservation. In addition, this dance can be found in various cultural events such as weddings, welcoming guests and others.