Dance Tarek Pukat, Traditional Dances From Aceh

This traditional dance is a typical dance from the province of Aceh which tells the activities of the fishermen when fishing in the sea. The name of this dance is Tarek Pukat Dance. Tarek Pukat dance is one of the traditional dances originated from Aceh. This dance is usually performed by a group of female dancers who dance by using a rope as a dance tool.

Dance Tarek Pukat is a dance that describes the activities of the fishermen in Aceh when fishing in the sea.Tarian this is generally often displayed at events such as welcoming ceremonies, cultural events, and traditional events.

History of Tarek Dance Pukat

Historically, Tarek Pukat Dance is inspired by the tradition of gazing or trawl nets that are often done by the people of Aceh, especially coastal communities that most of the population eyed search as fishermen. It is said that these activities have been done by coastal communities of Aceh since a long time.

At the time of catching fish, they took off and pulled the net together. After they finish catching the fish, the results they get will be distributed to the residents who have participated in the trawl. This tradition is then reflected in a dance called tarek trawl dance.

Function And Meaning of Dance Tarek Pukat

Aside from being a performing art form, this tariek pukat dance also functioned as a sense of appreciation for the culture and traditions of Acehnese people on the coast, especially when catching fish in the sea. Tarek Dance Pukat interpreted as a picture of cooperative attitude and spirit of community togetherness that is reflected in the form of dance.

Dance Tarek Pukat

Dance Tarek Pukat generally displayed by the female dancers. The number of dancers consists of 7 dancers or more. The number of dancers is tailored to each group or studio. In the show, the dancers will be wrapped in traditional clothing and decorated with decoration and makeup that makes it look beautiful. With the accompaniment of a group of dancers, dancers danced with their distinctive movements and used the rope as a dancing property.

In the show, dance trawler dance begins with a movement like the other Aceh dance, which is dancing in a sitting position while tapping the chest and thighs. The movement is done with a compact follow the rhythm of the song and music accompaniment. After that it will be continued by connecting each other's ropes.

One of the most interesting things in this dance trawl dance is at the end of the dance, when it is finished tying the rope to one another, the dancer pulls the rope and becomes a series of nets.

For those of you who have never seen or watched this dance maybe you will feel confused, how do they make the net? This is one of the attractions of this trawler dance, and they often even amaze the audience, giving them a standing ovation to the dancers.

Companion Dance Tarek Pukat

Performances of tariek dance trawl will usually be accompanied by traditional music such as sarune kale and rapa'i. This dance is accompanied by the song "tarek pukat" sung by the vocal companion. However, there are times when the dancers are singing several verses of the song together. When dancing was the tempo of the dancer's movement must also be tailored to the musical accompaniment, so this dance looks solid and compact.

Tarek Pukat Dance Costume

The costumes worn by dancers in Tarek Pukat Dance show is generally a traditional dress. Dancers usually wear clothes such as shirts with long sleeves, trousers and headscarf or veil on the head. In addition, dancers also use songket cloth and belt on the waist and decoration of hijab or veil as a sweetener.

Development of Dance Tarek Pukat

The development of Tarek Dance Pukat is still preserved and developed to date. Various creations and variations in terms of motion, costumes, and accompanist, are also often displayed every time the show to look interesting. However, it does not necessarily eliminate the hallmark and authenticity of the dance.

Tarek Dance Pukat is also still often displayed in various events such as festivities, welcoming ceremonies, and other traditional events. In addition, Tarek Pukat Dance is also often featured in various cultural events such as cultural festivals, performing arts, and tourism promotion. This is done as a form of effort to preserve and introduce to the younger generation and to the wider community will Dance Tarek Pukat this.