Dance Bines, Traditional Dances From Aceh

Dance Bines is one of the dance art in Gayo Lues that is danced only by a group of women or girls. No one can interpret the word Bines itself. Bines itself is called dance because it has a rhythmic motion that follows the expression of the souls of the dancers.

Based on the choreography, Dance Bines include group dance, because dance bines can not be displayed individually. Generally, dance bines are needed by dancers in even counts such as 10, 12, 14, 16, and so on. Based on the pattern, dance bines belong to the traditional dance art, the dance whose presence has existed since tens of years ago. Bines has undergone a long development.

Bines dance is dominated by girls by way of self-learning from the generation on it since they were small, that is when they have begun to be able to mimic the movement. There is no special studio in this dance. There is also no law that requires them to master the bells. Just instinctively, as girls, they feel like learning Bines. At a certain age, they are able to dance various bines, they will start practicing together until in time they are able to perform in the staging.

Dance Bines are generally displayed in traditional ceremonies such as marriage, sunnah rasul, and annual parties such as herbal saman. Bines are also featured on the opening and closing show of saman and didong or to fill the second break of the dance. Currently, dance bines are also invited as dance offerings such as welcoming guests and performances.