Laweut Dance, Traditional Dance From Aceh

Laweut dance is one of the traditional dances originating from Aceh Province. In the beginning, this dance culture originated from Pidie district in the province of Aceh, Indonesia. With the development of the times, this dance culture spread throughout the province of Aceh.

This Laweut dance is often referred to as Seudati Inong Dance, because in terms of the number of dancers, their movements, processes, dance patterns, and techniques of this dance are very similar to Seudati Dance. Both dances are equally danced by 8 female dancers and 1 syahi (singer) music who at the same time leads other dance movements. What distinguishes the two dances is the uniqueness of Seudati Dance using a chest clap, while the Laweut Dance using a thigh and not a chest.

Laweut said itself comes from the Arabic word Salawat is a praise addressed to the lord of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Poems that accompany this dance is more pious over the prophet. Before the term laweut was used, the first dance is called the Akoon Dance (Seudati Inong). Then the name Laweut itself is set at the Cultural Week of Aceh II.

The music used in this dance is the internal music that comes from the dancer's body itself, such as chest clapping, finger excerpts, clapping, pounding feet and vowel syahi who sing the poetry of this dance.

In the staging, Laweut Dance is a poem that is sung during the dance movement. The poems contained individual messages such as faith, development, society, and so on. This is a characteristic of the culture and art of Aceh, especially dances that contain elements of a thick Islamic religion.

We can listen to the poetry that is in doubt when the dance takes place highly upholding religious values as a form of religious teachings delivered through extraordinary works. Laweut dance is often displayed on certain occasions, such as folk parties, weddings and other big day anniversaries.

Before dancing, the movement of this dance always begins with dancers from the top left and top right with the line movement moves into the stage and directly make the composition march one. Before the dance begins, the dancers always salute with how to lift both hands to the chest and then the dancers start performing dance moves.