Dance Radap Rahayu, Traditional Dance From South Kalimantan

Radap Rahayu dance is a classical dance from the Banjarmasin area and is sacred. This dance is a dance used in welcoming guests as a mark of respect. The word tapping itself comes from the adaptive that means together, in groups or more than one. Rahayu also has a meaning galuh wan bungas which means beautiful women. In addition, Rahayu has a meaning of happiness, pleasure, and prosperity.

In the beginning, Radap Rahayu dance is a dance that has a function as repellent reinforcements and is a ritual for Banjarmasin people. Radap Rahayu Dance performed at the ceremony such as pregnancy, marriage, and also death. Dance Radap Rahayu as dance repellent reinforcement and dance to ask for safety that comes from the event where the ship Yaksa Periku contains patih Lambung Mangkurat who was coming home from the Majapahit kingdom visit. When he arrived at Muara Mantuil and would enter Barito River, the ship ran aground on the way. The boat is shaky and almost upside down.

This situation made the patrons of Lambung Mangkurat worship Bantam to ask for help to the Almighty in order for their ship to be saved. Soon, seven princesses descended on their ship and then held a ceremonial ritual. Finally, the ship survived and the angels went back to heaven. This is marked by the beginning and end movements in the dance Radap Rahayu ie kite flying. Currently, dance Radap Rahayu more done at the reception ceremony of the guests as a mark of respect.

In 1956, Radap Rahayu dance is growing rapidly and well known by the public. The advanced development of Radap Rahayu dance occurred thanks to Amir Hasan Kiai Bondan who developed Radap Rahayu dance through an organization called Badan Kesenian Kebudayaan Indonesia (Perpekindo).

There are several techniques in dance Radap Rahayu, such as flying kites, limbai kibas, mambunga, alang manari, dandang mangapak, mendoa (sesembahan), full lontang, half lontang, tarbang kite, praying, flowering, gagoreh srikandi, mantang, tapung bargain, puja Bantam, wind tutus, tarbang kite.