Sweet Renggong Dance, Betawi Traditional Dance Jakarta

Betawi traditional dance arts, as well as other dances of the tribes in Indonesia, is a part of the system of representation as well as crystallization of the daily life of the community. If you go back to look at the dance function, then one of them is an expression or expression of feeling which then visualized in the form of motion. One type of traditional Betawi dance that has a function as an expression of feeling is Renggong Sweet Dance.

This ethnic Betawi ethnic dance is the result of cross-cultural breeding, namely Renggong Manis Dance. The dance is an expression of happiness as well as a sense of togetherness of these young women is a blend of Betawi culture, Arabic, Indian, and also Classical Chinese culture. It is not surprising to see the many influences from outside cultures that enter into Betawi culture, considering the location of Jakarta Province and the presence of Sunda Kelapa port itself which is a door to Indonesia in the past.

Renggong Sweet Dance is usually played in official events. Usually will be displayed first before entering the main event, which is as a welcoming media for the guests. Host happiness upon the arrival of his guests associated with the fun of the Sweet Renggong Dance.

The presence of the Gambang Kromong orchestra ensemble seems to have influenced the arts as well as the Betawi tradition, seeing how much of the dances are accompanied by this music. Renggong Manis dance performance is also accompanied by Gambang Kromong music which is dominated by the sound of rebab 2 (two) strings.

It is clear that in the sounds of the sound of the rebab there are some ethnic Chinese elements. Also from the adorned costume of the dancer's body. It can be seen that the color selection is very striking, cloth motifs and also the knick-knacks influenced by Chinese culture.