Belibis Dance, Traditional Dance From Bali

The appearance of this Belibis Dance In contrast to other dances in Bali, such as cendrawasih dance, Kecak dance, mask dance, manukrawa dance. In the grouse dance, there are 2 people involved, and these 2 people are different in composition. In the first composition of the choreographer, which was created by Swasthi Wijaya Bandem, while for the second composition of the composer, created by I Nyoman Windha. Belly dance performed by the dancers as many as 7 people. These grouse dancers are mostly danced by women.

This philosophy of Belibis Dance has several versions including:

  1. Describes the life of a group of grouse birds who are enjoying the beauty of nature. Suddenly they were startled by the emergence of another grouse which is the incarnation of a King Angling Dharma after being exposed to the curse of his powerful wife (in the Tantric story).
  2. In the wandering, Angling Dharma meets a giant man-eating princess. This giant feels very worried about the secret is known by Angling Dharma, then cursed Angling Dharma became a bird that is living in water Belibis.
  3. It tells the King Prabu Angling Dharma who is cursed by his wife who became a grouse. In his wanderings, he met a flock of grouse birds, but he was not accepted into the group because he could speak like a human.
This dance movement shows an attractive appearance and also harmonious with gamelan instruments as accompanist. This dance has wings so that this dance movement resembles a grouse and almost even close to perfection.