Kecak Dance, Traditional Dance From Bali

Who does not know the typical Kecak dance of Bali? How many years ago this Kecak dance ever danced about 5000 people and set a world record. So who created and for what created the dance. Kecak Dance is generally called Cak dan Api (Fire Dance).

This dance is a dance of mass performances or entertainment and tends to be a dance, which is the art of drama and dance, as it all describes the role of the puppet play, such as Rama Sita and not specifically used in Hindu religious rituals such as odalan, worship, and other ceremonies.

Kecak dance was created by someone named Wayan Limbak and Walter Spies, a German painter in about 1930. Actually, this Kecak dance comes from a sanghyang ritual, a dance tradition that the dancers will be in unconscious condition, communicating with God or the spirit of the ancestors and then conveyed his hopes to the people. It's not hard to take away from the definition or why it's called Kecak dance. When the male dancers dance the dance, it will sound the word cak ... cak ... cak, from there the word Kecak is taken.

This Kecak dance is not like the other dance from Bali, Kecak dance does not use any musical instrument, it is created from the shouting cak ... cak ... cak that form a pure music and also kincringn tied at the feet of the dancers.

Kecak Dance Development

Kecak dance in Bali has continued to change and develop since the 1970s. The development that can be seen is in terms of story and also performances. In terms of story in the staging not only based on one part, namely from Ramayana, will but there is also part of the other story.

Then in terms of staging also began to continue to develop not only found in one place like in the village of Bona, Gianyar, but also other villages in Bali began to develop this Kecak dance, so that in the whole island of Bali there are dozens of groups kecak where every member usually members of the Banjar.

Activities such as Kecak dance festival are also often carried out by the government or even by art schools in Bali. The number of dancers most staged this Kecak dance was recorded in 1979, where the dance involves 500 dancers. At that time the dance was staged by taking stories from Mahabharata. But the record was broken by the Tabanan Government who organized a colossal Kecak dance with 5000 dancers on 29 September 2006, in Tanah Lot, Tabanan, Bali Province.