Cendrawasih Dance, Bird Dance From Bali

Cendrawasih dance name is taken from a name of one of the rare birds found in the mountains of Irian Jaya namely birds of paradise. In Babad Bali the definition of Cendrawasih Dance is the life of Cendrawasih birds in the mountains of Irian Jaya in the lust. This dance was created in 1988 by a fashion stylist named N.L.N. Swasthi Wijaya Bandem.

Cendrawasih Dance is a paired dance. This dance is danced by 2 or more dancers. The majority of these dancers are a woman. The basic motion of cendrawasih dance follows the basic footing of Balinese dance movements, but in some poses, this dance movement has been developed according to the interpreter of the stylist.

This dance movement was developed to find the form of motion of the dance in accordance with the theme of cendrawasih dance. The theme of this dance is pantomime, which can mean mimicking movement. The movement shown in this dance is the story of a pair of birds of paradise in doing a relationship of romance.

Clothing and property worn by the dancers are also very unique, namely bright yellow and wrapped in wide cloth such as scarves. This dress is very supportive of the movement of cendrawasih dance which is identical with the wings of birds of paradise.

In 1920 a Balinese artist I Gede Manik first introduced Cendrawasih dance in a performance in a Buleleng area of Bali. Along with the development of the times, this dance then gets a modern twist, both in the movement and the costumes were worn by the dancers in 1988 by N.L.N Wijaya Bandem.

Apparently, this refinement is getting fresh air for art lovers in Indonesia. Proven until now the uniqueness of this paradise dance is still an icon for the state of Indonesia in promoting the richness of culture to the world community.