Wutukala Dance, Traditional Moy Tribe Dance From West Papua

Wutukala Dance is a traditional dance of the Moy people in West Papua Province. This dance describes the activities of the community when fishing. Usually, in this dance is done in groups or in pairs between male dancers and female dancers. Wutukala dance is one of the traditional dances of West Papua is quite famous, especially the coastal areas of Sorong where the people of the Moy tribe live. This dance is generally displayed in various ceremonial events there.

History of Wutukala Dance

Wutukala dance is a traditional dance that describes the activities of the Moy people at the time of fish hunting. The Moy tribe itself is one of the tribes living in a coastal region of Sorong, West Papua Province. Formerly most of the people there are professions as a fisherman or a fish hunter. Historically, in the past, the Moy tribe community only used traditional tools of the spear as a tool in searching for fish.

But along with the more difficult to find fish with the tool, they then use the powder from the root tuba to facilitate them in the search for fish. Tuba root powder is used because it contains a mild toxin that can make fish dizzy and easy to catch. How to find these fish then become a tradition in the community Moy Tribe and in commemorating the innovation, they pour in the form of dance called Wutukala Dance this.

Functions And Meaning Of Wutukala Dance

Wutukala dance functioned in appreciating the development and innovation they have done in their livelihood as a fisherman from time to time. In addition, this dance is interpreted as an expression of public gratitude for the abundance of blessings that they have gained from innovation and the development of these livelihoods.

Wutukala Dance Show

Wutukala dance is usually will be performed by male dancers and female dancers. For the number of dancers Wutukala dance usually consists of 5 to 6 pairs of male and female dancers. In the show, this dancer uses traditional clothes and dancing equipment like a spear for male dancers and noken (fish container bag) used by female dancers. Accompanied by the accompaniment of songs and musical accompaniment, the dancers then dance with a typical movement and full of joy.

Movement in this Wutukala Dance describes an activity of the community when hunting fish. This movement is like a movement in catching fish with a spear by male dancers and with the movement to take the catch by a female dancer. Movement in Wutukala Dance is quite varied and every movement certainly has its own meaning in it.

Dance accompaniment Wutukala

In this Wutukala Dance performance is usually accompanied by a traditional music called tifa. In addition, there are also some who added some musical instruments such as musical instruments, bass, ukulele and others in order to be more interesting. In addition to musical accompaniment, Wutukala Dance is also accompanied by a regional song that describes a joy and gratitude of the community. The rhythm of the accompaniment music played is of course tailored to the songs.

Wutukala Dance Costume

Costumes or clothes used by dancers in this Wutukala Dance show will usually use traditional clothing. In male dancers will usually only wear clothing such as skirts made of roots and also leaves that are placed at the waist. While on the head, the male dancers will use a head cover made of bird feathers Cendrawasih. In addition to the body, they will also be colored with ethnic paintings are black and white. For female dancers will usually use a dress that is almost the same as male dancers but more tailored.

Development of Wutukala Dance

In its development, this dance is still preserved and developed by the people there. Various creations and also variations are often added in every show, be it in terms of motion, costume, or escort to make it look more interesting. In addition, this dance is not only featured in traditional ceremonials, but also often displayed in various cultural events such as art performances, cultural festivals, and tourism promotion. This is certainly done as part of the effort in conservation and also introduces to the younger generation as well as the wider community about the culture they have.