Rateb Meuseukat Dance, Traditional Dance From Aceh

Rateb Meuseukat dance is a traditional dance originating from Aceh. This dance is generally danced by the female dancers with a sitting position and play a very fast hand movements as his trademark. This dance is almost similar to the Saman Dance, but the difference is the movement, the lyric of the song, the accompanist, and the dancers. Rateb Meuseukat dance is one of the most well-known traditional dances of Aceh and is often featured in various events such as traditional events, celebrations, and cultural events.

History of Dance Rateb Meuseukat

Historically, the movement and style of dance meuseukat were first created by the son of Teungku Abdurrahim alias Habib Seunagan (Nagan Raya). While in his poetry was created by Teungku Chik Di Kala, a scholar in Saunagan who lived in the century to XIX. At first, Rateb Meuseukat Dance is only used as a medium of da'wah that is often displayed or played by the students after the review at night.

This dance originally developed in the area Meudang Ara Rumoh Baro, namely in the district of Aceh southwest. But with the passage of time, this dance began to grow and became known by the wider community. In addition, Rateb Meuseukat Dance also began to appear frequently in various events such as at religious ceremonies, traditional ceremonies, cultural events, and others.

Function And Meaning Of Dance Rateb Meuseukat

As explained earlier, Rateb Meuseukat dance was formerly functioned as a medium of propaganda, but this dance then began to evolve and functioned as dance performances. However, religious elements and values are also maintained, even the hallmark of this dance. Rateb Meuseukat dance is interpreted for praise to God and expression of gratitude for what God has given them. It is also very visible from the poems and also their movements at the time of dancing.

Dance Rateb Meuseukat

Rateb Meuseukat dance will usually be performed by female dancers. For the number of dancers, usually consisting of 6 to 12 dancers and 2 people role for poet-singers. In the show, these dancers wear traditional dress and also dance with a typical movement accompanied by musical accompaniment and a lyric poetry performed by vocal escort or singer of poetry.

Movement in Rateb Meuseukat Dance will usually be dominated by hand movements of the dancers. It will also be interspersed with head movements, and shoulders while turning right and left. These movements are played in a sitting position, which is the hallmark of this dance. Many also say that Rateb Dance Meuseukat is almost similar to Saman Dance, but the difference is, the dancers, poetry language, movement, and also music accompaniment.

Dance Rateb Meuseukat

In the show, Dance Rateb Meuseukat generally accompanied by traditional music such as using Rapa'i and Geundrang. In addition, this dance is accompanied by chanting poems performed by a vocal entourage. This chant contains about the praise and praise to God that was delivered in the native language of the Acehnese people.

Dance Costume Rateb Meuseukat

The costumes used in the Rateb Meuseukat Dance show are usually customary clothing. The dancers will usually wear clothes such as women's shirts, trousers, and sarongs worn at the waist. At the head will usually be covered with hijab and decorated with headbands and flowers as a sweetener. For color costumes in Rateb Meuseukat Dance is usually colorful, especially bright colors such as yellow, pink, light green and also light blue.

Development of Rateb Meuseukat Dance

In its development, dance meuseukat is still continuously preserved and developed to date. Various creations and variations in terms of motion, costumes, and also accompanying music are often added to every show. It is certainly done to add looks interesting, but does not eliminate the characteristics, authenticity, and also the values in it.

Rateb Meuseukat dance is currently not only featured as a medium of da'wah, but is often displayed in various events such as religious events, big day celebrations, and also traditional events. In addition, this dance is also often displayed in various art and cultural events such as, performing arts, regional festivals, and also other cultural events.