Tide Tide Dance, Traditional Dance From North Maluku
Tide Tide Dance is a traditional dance originating from North Halmahera, North Maluku Province. This dance is usually danced in pairs by male and female dancers at a particular event. Tide Tide dance is one of the traditional social dances from North Maluku which is quite famous, especially in North Halmahera region. This dance is generally displayed in various events that are both custom and entertainment such as traditional weddings, custom parties and so forth.
History of Tide Tide Dance
Historically, the Tide Tide Dance was formerly a societal dance performed by young men in North Halmahera. This dance is usually displayed during custom parties or other entertainment events. Then this habit continues to become a tradition and still preserved to this day.
Functions And Meaning Of Tide Tide Dance
Tide Tide Dance Show
In the show, Tide Tide Dance is usually featured by 4 to 6 dancers consisting of male and female dancers. Accompanied by musical accompaniment, they will dance in pairs between men and women. Movement in this dance is certainly very distinctive, this movement is usually dominated by hand movements are swung forward in turns and foot movements stepped in accordance with hand gestures.
In addition, there are movements such as dancing and holding hands between male and female dancers as well as the movements and positions in which female dancers humble and dance while squatting while dancers dance while standing. Each movement must have its own meaning contained therein.
Tide Tide Dance Companion
In the Tide Tide Dance show will usually be accompanied by a traditional musical instrument such as Tifa, gong, violin, and flute. The music is played with a special rhythm, resulting in a very distinctive musical sound. The rhythm that is played is usually a medium-tempo rhythm and adapted to the movements of the dancers to look unified and harmonious.
Tide Tide Dance Costume
The costumes used by the dancers in the Tide Tide Dance show are usually customary clothing. For male dancers will usually use long shirts, trousers, and head coverings the same color with their clothes. While the female dancers will usually wear kebaya clothes and batik cloth typical of North Maluku on the bottom and the head is usually female hair dancers will be bun and decorated with a rocking flower or a decoration of other creations.
Development of Tide Tide Dance
In its development, Tide Tide Dance is still continuously preserved and developed to date. Various creations and variations in terms of motion, formation, costumes and musical accompaniment are also often added to this show, in order to look interesting but not to leave his trademark. Tide Tide Dance is often displayed in various events such as traditional weddings, traditional parties, welcoming and also other traditional events. In addition, this dance is also often displayed in various cultural events such as the show art, cultural festivals, and also the promotion of tourism.