Katreji Dance, Traditional Dance From Maluku

Katreji Dance is a traditional dance originating from the Maluku region. This dance is generally done in pairs between male dancers and female dancers. Katreji dance is one of the traditional dances from Maluku which is quite famous. This dance is often displayed in various custom or entertainment events such as welcoming important guests, big day celebrations, traditional weddings, and others.

History of Katreji Dance

This Katreji dance is a dance that has existed since the Portuguese and Dutch came to Indonesia, especially in Maluku province. In addition to searching for spices, they also bring their culture to the land of Maluku. So that European culture gradually began to influence the development of culture in the province of Maluku itself. Since then the people of Maluku began to know the European culture, one of which is this Katreji Dance.

After the Portuguese and the Dutch left Indonesia. The people of Maluku still often bring Katreji Dance in their welcoming ceremony or party. Then this dance began to grow and adapted to the culture of local people there until its current form. This cultural acculturation makes the dance of katrili very distinctive and also gives new color in traditional arts of Maluku.

Function And Meaning Of Katreji Dance

In Maluku itself, Katreji Dance is more functioned as entertainment in an event such as welcoming ceremonies, weddings, traditional celebrations and others. This dance is interpreted as a traditional dance of society, especially to young people. In this dance, they will dance in pairs with movements and expressions that describe the joy and happiness.

Katreji Dance Show

As mentioned before, this Katreji Dance is performed by male dancers and female dancers in pairs. The number of dancers of Katreji Dance usually consists of 5 to 6 pairs of male and female dancers. In the show, the dancers use custom clothing and will dance with a very distinctive movement and follow the music accompaniment.

Movement in Katreji Dance is very energetic and also varied. Although the movement tends to be European-style, there are some movements of the Maluku style that are still visible. This may be due to a very different cultural acculturation that in combining the two cultures is too difficult.

Dance of Katreji Dance

In the show, Katreji Dance will usually be accompanied by music such as violin, ukulele flute, drums, karakas, bamboo, and others. In addition to the movement, the music played also tends to be European-style and for property or complementary, also added some traditional musical instruments in it. Rhythm is played in accompanying Katreji Dance is usually fast rhythm so it will describe the fun in it.

Katreji Dance Costume

The costumes used in the Katreji Dance show are usually a typical traditional outfit from Maluku. For female dancers usually, wear kebaya clothing and also a long cloth on the bottom. While on the head, the dancers are gently rolled or in the condo and decorated with flower decorations as a sweetener. While the male dancers will usually use long clothes and long pants.

The development of Katreji Dance

In its development, Katreji Dance is still often preserved and developed by the people there. Various and also creations are often displayed in every show, be it in terms of motion, costume, or musical accompaniment. This dance is also still often displayed in various events such as welcoming important guests, weddings, as well as various other traditional events. In addition, Katreji Dance is often displayed in various cultural events such as art performances, cultural festivals and also tourism promotion.