Soya-Soya Dance, Traditional Dance From North Maluku

Soya-Soya Dance is a traditional dance originating from North Maluku. Although the current Soya-Soya dance is only shown in the opening of an event or at the time of welcoming guests of honor, this Soya-soya Dance plays an important role to the people of North Maluku. In the past, this Soya-soya Dance was a dance that was featured in the welcome troops after the war.

Soya-soya dance is a dance of war that was created by Sultan Baabullah as an encouragement of the troops of Ternate after the death of Sultan Khairun. Sultan Khairun was the father of Sultan Baabullah who was killed while capturing the Nostra Senora del Rosario Castle (Castle Kastela) from the Portuguese hand on February 25, 1570. At that time, Soya-soya dance was interpreted as a war of liberation dance from the hands of the Portuguese.

In the Soya-soya Dance, the clothing worn by the dancers is white and combined with a connection that resembles a red, black, yellow, and also green skirt. The dancers will also use a yellow headband (taqoa) as a symbol of the warriors.

The equipment in other dances is a sword or ngana-ngana made of bamboo plants decorated with palm leaves (woka) are red, yellow, and also green. Ngana-ngana will also be fitted with riverbeds or corn kernels in it. Dancers will also carry a shield (salawaku). Soya-soya dance is accompanied by drums (Tifa), gong (saragai), and also small-sized gong, or so-called Tawa-Tawa.