Seudati Dance, Traditional Dance From Aceh

Seudati Dance is one of traditional dance arts originating from Aceh Province. This dance is believed to be a new form of Ratoh or Ratoih Dance, which is a dance that develops in the coastal areas of Aceh. Ratoh or Ratoih Dance will usually be staged to start the cockfighting game, as well as in various other social rituals, such as welcoming harvest and also during a full moon. After Islam came, there was an acculturation process, and resulted in Seudati Dance, as we have known today.

This dance originally developed in an area called Gigieng Village, District Simpang Tiga, Pidie District, which raised by Tam Tam. Furthermore, this seudati dance also developed in Didoh Village, Mutiara Sub-district, Pidie District, under the care of Sheikh Ali Didoh. On the way, this seudati dance is quite developed in North Aceh, Pidie, and also East Aceh, and to this day can even be found throughout the Aceh region.

The word seudati itself comes from Arabic, ie shahadati or shahadatain, which means is the recognition of the oneness of Allah and also the recognition that Muhammad is the prophet of his messenger. Another theory assumes that seudat comes from the word seuration, which contains a compact and harmonious meaning. By the advocates of Islam in that era, Seudati Dance is used as a medium of propagation in spreading Islam. Various stories about life are brought about in this dance, with the aim of getting people to gain a clue in defending their daily life problems. Besides being used as a medium of da'wah, Seudati Dance has now become an entertainment show for the people.

Formation in Seudati Dance

Seudati will usually be performed by 8 (eight) men as main dancers, consisting of leaders called the Shaykh, 1 (one) auxiliary shaykh, 2 (two) servants on the left called apeetwie, 1 ( one) assistant at the back, called apeet tub, and 3 (three) ordinary helpers. In addition to them, there are also 2 (two) singers as accompaniment in the dance called aneuk syahi.

Seudati Dance Characteristics

Seudati dance is not accompanied by musical instruments, but only with a few sounds that come from a clap to the chest and hips, pounding feet to the floor, and also a finger clip. The movement after movement is performed along with the rhythm and also the tempo of the song being sung. Some movements in this dance are very dynamic and full of spirit. But there are also some parts that seem stiff, but will actually show the strength and courage of the dancers. Then, clapping to the chest and also the belly impressed a pride as well as the attitude of a knight.

This dance belongs to the category of Tribal War Dance or war dance, which in which the charge in his poetry can be encouraging. This is what makes dance seudati had been banned in the Dutch government because it is considered to provoke the youth to rebel. This dance was only allowed to re-show after Indonesia became independent.

The clothes used in Seudati Dance consist of long trousers and long white tight t-shirt, songket wrapped around thighs and waist, rencong pinned at the waist, red headband, and colored handkerchief.