Sajojo Dance, Traditional Dances From Papua

Sajojo Dance is a kind of social dance typical of Papua. Papua is a province rich in cultural arts and tribal adat, the community has owned and also developed its own dance art either hereditary or contemporary dance as a form of self-expression, one of which is a sajojo dance this.

Song lyrics in this sajojo dance tells the story of a beautiful girl who idolized by the youths in his village. One of these types of social dance became popular in the 1990s. Initially in military circles who had served in Maluku, Timor, and Irian. Sajojo Dance has a uniqueness that lies in the movement that jumps squat, which starts from the left foot. Sajojo music accompaniment is, generally beirama Cha Cha Cha Ambon medly.

Because of the popularity of this Sajojo song and dance, we hear everywhere, so many schools, institutions, and community groups are dancing Sajojo dances. Even this sajojo dance has been modified into gymnastics, though without leaving the original elements.

The popularity of this Sajojo dance is also supported by the character of the dance itself. The type of Sajojo dance is a group dance that is not limited by the number of dancers. Just as with the Yospan dance, anyone can participate in the joy of a togetherness. Coupled with the accompaniment of music that stomping, dynamic, and exhilarating. So it is very obvious nuance togetherness and association. This is one of the prominent characters of Papuan traditional artworks of coastal areas.