Dance Sekapur Betel, Traditional Dance From Jambi

Dance Sekapur Betel  is a traditional dance originating from Jambi. This dance is a welcome dance to the big guests. The dance of whiting was created by Firdaus Chatab in 1962. In 1967, this dance was later reorganized by OK Hendri BBA. This dance describes roomy and open feelings that Jambi people have for visitors visiting their area. The number of dancers in this dance is 9 female dancers and 3 male dancers. The dancers have 1 (one) person in charge of holding the umbrella, 2 (two) guards and others dancing.

Unfortunately, at this time the enthusiasm of citizens to dance sekapur betel reduced. This is seen from the number of dancers who shrunk, which amounted to 6 (six) people, 1 (one) male dancer in charge of bringing cerano and other female dancers.

Movement, high prayer, stretched, decorated (using the ring, bracelet, earrings, lipet and calak powder), half-turn movement, full play becomes part of this dance. The movement is done in low and medium level position, while the pattern of the floor that is tailored to the needs and also the staging place. When done in a building or indoor, then the floor pattern can be done, but if outside the building or outdoor, then the floor pattern is rarely done.

Cerano or a container containing betel leaf sheets, umbrellas, Kris is a property used in this dance. For clothing or clothing, the dancers will wear Jambi traditional brackets. Hummus folk songs Jeruk Purut, the sound of violin, accordion melanggam Melayu, accompanied by gambus, gong, and drums also accompany the dance sekapur betel.

The dancers decorated his body with a bandage songket, underwear brackets while decorating the head of an edit consisting of banyan, rocking flowers, and cempako. Other sweeteners that are also used are a lotus, pending and bracelet. But over the times, the accessories used to increase, such as wearing Shoulder Shoulder, Canoe Bracelet, Bangle Bracelet and also Bracelet Puru, while bend Pandan, Banyan Sunting, and also Goyang Flower into jewelry on the head.

Actually, the name or term of dance sekapur betel is quite diverse, as diverse as the variant of this dance, one of which is the welcome dance. Initially, dance sekapur betel is called the dance offerings, then undergone some changes, so that the Dance of Welcome. The difference with dance sekapur betel is that this welcoming dance is a new creations dance that is set as close as possible to the Kejei Dance. The number of dancers in this dance can be adjusted to the place, can be a daughter can be, and can also be paired.

The Rejang Lembak community called this Sambu dance as Kurak dance, although in the end the name of the dance was chosen to be standardized. The dance accompaniment music uses Kejei music.

Movement in this dance consists of dance, the hand is lifted over the shoulder. Then the dancers will perform the guest prayer, the move raises the hand up the chest. After that the surrender of the series will do half-squat pose and half-standing if this dance is performed outside the house, meanwhile, if the dance is done in the house then the movement of the floor will be done.