Reog Gendang Dance, Traditional Dance From Tulungagung East Java

Tulungagung District, East Java Province has a diversity of traditional arts areas, one of which is Reog Gendang. Reog Gendang is a traditional art recorded by UNESCO as an art object. Reog Gendang itself is an original traditional dance masterpiece of Tulung Agung society.

The history of Reog Gendang is related to the history of Kilisuci Goddess. Narrated in ancient times, a Bugis wanted to marry the daughter of Airlangga named Dewi Kilisuci. When the man from Bugis wants to woo, Dewi Kilisuci also asked the Bugis man to make a Sanipan as a condition in wooing him.

The Bugis man then asked Tulung Agung community to make a Sanipan or a candy for Kilisuci Goddess. Then created Reog Gendang dance as Sanipan Bugis man to woo Kilisuci Goddess.

Reog Gendang is usually danced by 6 (six) people or more. In this dance, the Pengrawit or the musician will play some kind of traditional musical instruments, but what should be in the show is kenong, gong, and also 6 (six) drums that will be played by the dancers.