Gandrung Dance, Traditional Dance From Banyuwangi East Java

Gandrung Dance is a traditional dance performance art from Banyuwangi, East Java. This gandrung dance emerges as a manifestation of the gratitude of society in every harvest. Gandrung Dance is still a genre with Ketuk Tilu from West Java, Tayub from Central Java and West Java, Lengger from Banyumas and Joged Bumbung originating from Bali.

This form of art that is dominated from the dance with orchestration is very popular in Banyuwangi area located at the eastern tip of Java Island. Because of the popularity of this dance, making Gandrung dance became the hallmark of the Banyuwangi region. Nothing wrong if Banyuwangi always identified with gandrung dance. Just look at the various corners of the region from Banyuwangi will often a lot of gandrung dancers.

The dance is accompanied by this music will be played by a professional dancer woman who then dances with the guests, especially men in pairs. Musical accompaniment was a typical music mix between Javanese and Balinese culture. Meanwhile, dance musical instruments such as the gong, kluncing, violin, kendhang, and also a pair of kethuk. Sometimes also interspersed with angklung, saron Bali, or tambourine as a form of creation and also accompanied electone.

Gandrung is often staged in various kinds of events, such as marriage ceremonies, marine lawn, circumcision, seven dozens and also other official and unofficial events, either in Banyuwangi or other areas. According to the custom, this performance is complete since about 09.00 PM and will end until dawn.