Raigo Dance, Traditional Dance From Central Sulawesi

Raigo is a traditional dance originating from Central Sulawesi. This dance represents a triumph in effort, excitement, and gratitude for the exhilarating harvest. It is the phrase which then becomes the movement and the expression of worship of the creator. This Raigo began to develop in the people of Central Sulawesi, especially in the Kulawi tribe.

Raigo dance is found in several types of raigo mpae (raigo = dance, and also mpae = paddy) or often referred to as raego vunja, which is a traditional dance of Central Sulawesi in a series of vunja ceremonies according to the rhythm of the people who are in the spirit, desire, and also believe in the Creator.

Raigo dance is not only in the form of entertainment, but the dance is not separated from the implementation of traditional ceremonies that exist in the Kulawi or Bada Valley. The poet's help in accompanying this dance contains a moral message. This dance is also part of the cultural expression that has been motivated by religious emotions as well as traditional ceremonies of all tribes in Indonesia.

Kulawi tribe who as the owner of the culture does not know the writing, so this cultural inheritance can only be done orally and imitate the behavior that relies on the mere memory. Not all layers of Kulawi peoples get raigo knowledge and skills because this dance is only for the totuangata (old people).

This type of raigo dance includes raigo vunca, raigo tarade, raigo potinowu, raigo pobalai and raigo puncumania. raigo vunca is a dance performed during post-harvest, raigo tarade, is a dance performed during the harvesting ceremony which results satisfactorily, raigo potinowu is a dance performed during the ceremony to pay the dowry by the groom, raigo pobalai is a dance held during a marriage ceremony, raigo puncumania is a dance performed at the ceremony circumcision.

Raigo bobongka ombo carried out on the seventh day of the death of a nobleman, raigo popowata was held at the time of waiting for the body, raigo poparoma was held at the ceremony of death before the last day, raigo mpainu held during the bath ceremony for the hero who will go to a battlefield, raigo hell done on when welcoming a hero from the battlefield, raigo popatunahou was held at the time of founding a new house, and for raigo pangkasuwia held for the reception of guests.

The accompanying song of this raigo dance is usually sung using tempo con brio, delce, de Marcia, forte, or presto that match the patriotic and heroic theme. The original raigo companion song was sung solo led by a tapanguli raigo then followed by a voice with the man. Then a soloist called toonama. Poems and lyrics for all types of songs are called oila and for vocals are called manoulia.